Chapter 13 - Recipe for Disaster - Part 1

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- THIS IS KIND OF AN IMPORTANT CHAPTER SO PLEASE DO NOT SKIP ANY PARTS!! THANK YOUU. Oh and the whole chapter is #Katis so... yeah - x

Dedicated to 0NeonLights0 for making this story a banner (in sidebar --->)!! I love it. <3 Aaaand, for your comments that constantly make me smile :P

If anyone else wants to make any banners etc. for this story, feel free!! I will love you forever ;) haha x no joke though

And you will get a dedication :D ... (<= This is me shamelessly bribing my readers with dedications... sorry guys...I also have chocolate?)



Chapter 13 - Recipe for Disaster - Part 1


 Louis Tomlinson

I shot daggers into her cat-like eyes that bore into mine. She waited for me to cave - but hell, I wouldn't give her that win if my life depended on it.

Her fists clenched tighter on the table and I knew that following suit, was the taste of sweet victory coming to me. It took almost two minutes, but it was worth it! Freedom, come to papa...

"You're not gonna last."

Her voice was full of threat, but it was empty and weak as I sensed her struggle. She's crumbling. 

But suddenly, when all seemed to be "smooth-sailing" for me, I felt movement under the table. Without removing my eyes from hers, I knew that she uncrossed her legs. Why would sh- 

Spoke too soon.

Sending an intentional, sharp kick to my shin in the process, she exclaimed in joy; while I shut my eyes in agony.

"Aha! I win!" Kat smiled pushing her chair back; saying nothing about all the grunts of pain that were emitted from my mouth.

"You cheated!" I yelled still clutching my leg, not even caring about how immature I sounded.

She tutted while getting up from the chair, "Louis, Louis, Louis. Is it my fault that I needed to move my leg? And you really should stop the narration thing... its kind of weird."

It was absolutely your fault, you no goo- Wait, what? Narrat-

It was at that moment that I realized, everything I was thinking; I was actually subconsciously saying outlou-

"There you go again with the voice-overs. Quit it!" Kat huffed as she walked over to my side of the table. "You get stranger and stranger every day, I swear." She mumbled under her breath, thinking I couldn't hear her.

I never used to be so unfocused that I wouldn't realize what I was doing, much less, saying. Dammit Kat, I've just been spending ten minutes with you and I'm already loosing my mind.

All of a sudden a foot kicked my chair so that it turned to face the side. Kat bent down to meet my eye-level while speaking in a quieter voice, "Anyways, deals a deal, Tomlinson."

I groaned and avoided her gaze, "Yeah well it was a stupid deal." I bit the inside of my cheek, mentally cursing myself for proposing the idea that whoever won a damn staring contest didn't have to do the kitchen clean-up for today.

I thought that after playing this game with my sisters for over eight years, there would be no way for me to loose. Well, I didn't loose - she-devil cheated

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