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Hi guys!! I'm sorry about not updating anything for awhile but I gave my iPod up for Lent so I can't update anything but I'm making an exception for this! I got the idea from FrancesCihunka   because I saw her Valentine thing first. Without further a due... Let's get on with this thing!

1. _JustSouthofPerfect_
You are one of my best friends and I cannot tell you how much you mean to me! You're artistic, funny, sarcastic and reliable! I can always count on you! Luv you girl😉!

2. Nicole1234556789
You are one little energetic ball of energy (and that's why we cope together so well!) You are funny, sarcastic, have the funniest dreams, and are all around wonderful!

3. FrancesCihunka
First off may I say I'm so happy we could mend our past and be best friends! It's been a wonderful experience! You are creative, funny, nice, and an amazing friend!

4. alliegurnon
You are so fun to fangirl with! Shawn Mendes all the way😉😂! You are so nice and reliable! I can trust you with anything and for that you are absolutely amazing!

5. emmaeklein
You keep it real! You are probably the funniest person I've met! You are an amazing singer along with Frannie! You're great!

To be a different person!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt