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Intruder Alert

I took great joy in the feeling of my muscles bunching and releasing as i ran. My wolf had been itching for a run and this was the first time i had let her out since i had started training with Damien about a month ago now.  We were hunting elk through the lush, thick forests of Damien's territory.

I didn't really have any control over our actions, i had handed the control over to my wolf to give her a little freedom, seeing as i hadn't let her run in a while. I was just sitting back and enjoying the view through my wolf's eyes.

I had no training today because Damien had to go to a pack meeting. He had told me to stay in the grounds of the Pack House, but the grounds were not big enough to really let my wolf go. Although she was chasing the scent of an elk, she wasn't really making much effort to actually catch it, instead just enjoying the feeling of being free, free from our problems, free from other people, free from stupid, controlling Alpha's and free from our mate.

We were utterly alone in the woods.

At least, thats what i thought.

My wolf sensed him before i did, skidding to a halt and scanning the trees surrounding us with the alertness of a hunter. For a moment i thought about taking control back, but then decided against it, figuring that if it came to a fight, we would probably be better off with my wolf in control.

There was no movement in the trees around us, the intruder camouflaging himself well, but we knew he was there, and he knew that we knew he was there. We couldn't see him, but we could feel his presence. This was not a rogue, the way this wolf was hidden, the way he had masked his scent, was way to skilled for a rogue.

And that was what scared me the most about this situation. If it wasn't a rogue, and it definitely wasn't a member of Damien's pack....who was it?

Blake's spy.

I don't know how, but i could just feel that my wolf was right. And if this guy did work for Blake, then we definitely did not want to fight him. Not yet. So, before he could make any sort of move at all, we turned and ran, all the way back to the Pack House.

I needed to tell Damien. Blake possibly knows where i am. And if he does, he won't hesitate in coming for me.

Adam's POV:

I silently followed her as she ran, my wolf's paws barely touching the earth, almost as if i was floating. It had taken me about a month to find her, and now that i had, i was desperate to just pounce and drag her home to Alpha Blake. At least then i would be able to go home again, to see my mate and my children.

The thought of my mate made my wolf whine, and although it was barley audible, i still feared that it would give us away.

I almost thought it had when she skidded to a stop and looked around her suspiciously. I flattened myself into the ground, camouflaging with the earth and leaves, using all of my warrior training to stay hidden. It must have worked because her eyes passed over me more than once, yet she did not see me.

I watched her for a moment, trying to find a good moment to pounce, a good moment to catch her off-gaurs. But the moment i was about to do so, she turned and sprinted away. Cursing, i silently followed her once again. She was running to a pack house, i could see it just peeking over the tops of the trees, and as the forest around us thinned out and eventually turned into a meadow, i recognised where i was.

Staying just inside the shadows of the trees, i watched her disappear into the large house. Then turning around i mind-linked my Alpha.

Alpha Blake, I have found your mate.

Excellent. Where is she?

She appears to be hiding out with your old friend, Alpha Damien Grey.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait but, i'm pretty proud of this chapter. I bet not many of you can remember who Adam is, am i right? Haha, Adam is Blake's Gamma, remember, the one Blake told couldn't return to the pack unless he had Alice with him. Uh-oh. I wonder whats going to happen now, don't you?
But anyway, that's enough of that.

So until next chapter
Bye guys


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