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Blake's POV


"Borders are clear, Alpha. No scent of any rogues, or any enemy packs."

"Good. What about the escaped prisoners?" And our mate.

"We have followed their scents for as far as we can, Alpha, but they either disappear into pack territories, or have been washed away by rain or floods."

I scowled. Prisoners had escaped my territory and now we could not recapture them. This was not good for my reputation. If other Alpha's found out about this, they could think i had let my guard down and be tempted to attack. Of course, if they did, they would all be slaughtered, but i didn't fancy wasting my time on pathetic little attacks from much weaker Alpha's who seem to have too much confidence for my own good.

"Any news from Adam?" I asked quite casually, when really i was incredibly anxious for news of my mate.

"No, Alpha. His mind link went silent a few days ago and nobody has heard from him, or can get ahold of him, since. He may be dead, Alpha."

I growled angrily, and paced across my office. How could he possibly have messed a simple mission like that up. All he had to do was attack. Damien's pack should have been no match for my wolves. But nooo. That good for nothing, weedy Gamma couldn't even-

Suddenly i was overcome by a wave of nausea and a sharp stab of pain right in my chest, and i cursed under my breath. My vision was blurring and the urge to throw up was so strong i was surprised i hadn't spewed all over my beta yet.


"Dismissed..." Was all i managed. I really needed to lie down.

He left quickly, and i locked to door after him. I then threw myself down on the plush sofa so i was staring at the ceiling, and rubbed my temples. I knew what this was. I had been having sickness and pains since my mate escaped my territory and went with that Damien, but recently the pain seemed to be getting worse and worse, sometimes so bad that i couldn't breath.

The nausea was passing now, but the tight pain in my chest was still there. I figured the best thing to do was to try and sleep. And it wasn't long until i drifted off.


I was warm. Too warm. I could feel sweat running down my face and neck, and when i tried to move i felt my shirt clinging to my body. It was unpleasant. I had to take it off.

Snapping my eyes open, i realised i was not in my office. I was in a meadow. Panicking slightly, i slowly sat up and gathered my bearings. There were no trees, and no shade, just grass, for as far as i could see. And i was in direct sunlight, which explained the heat. It must be a dream, i told myself. It has to be a dream.

As i stood up, i noticed a pool of clear, cool, looking water to my left, and i instantly headed over. Kneeling down on the rocky edge, i was about to take a drink when i suddenly heard a voice. It was as if there was a person stood right behind me, but when i looked, there was still nothing but grass.

I nearly fell into the pool when i turned back around, because now, on a rock on the other side of the pool, stood a majestic snow white she-wolf. I suddenly found i had no voice, i just kind of stat, staring dumbly at this wolf until it spoke again.

"Alpha Blake Scarhill. I am the Moon Goddess, and i have summoned you here because of your actions towards your mate, Alice Carter."

Still i could find no words, so she carried on.

"When you first met your mate, you rejected her, am i correct?"

I nodded.

"So why then, Alpha, are you feeling pain and sickness from being away from her? If you had broken the bond, you would not be feeling this desperateness to be with her."

With a jolt, i realised the Moon Goddess was right. I had rejected her. Broken the bond. So why did i still feel so...desperate for her?

The Goddess wasn't finished. "You see, Alpha, you did not truly break the bond."

I was shocked. If i thought i couldn't talk before, i was really speechless now.

"You rejected her, but you then proceeded to throw her off a cliff. You did not give her a chance to accept the rejection. So you did not break the bond, you just kind of...fractured it."

I finally remembered how to speak. "So, your telling me, we're still connected? We're still mates?!"
I was strangely exited by this. It meant i had a second chance with my mate. It also explained the strange feelings i had been experiencing.

"Not so fast, Alpha. You two are still connected, for now. I summoned you here to fix that, though. You are not worthy of such a strong and intelligent mate such as Alice. In fact, i would wouldn't call you worthy of a mate at all. So i am completely breaking your bond so Alice can live happily with her second-chance mate, Alpha Damien Grey."

My excitement was quickly replaced by anger. "YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" I roared. She ignored me.

"I, the Moon Goddess, hereby fully break the mating bond between Alpha Blake-"

I leapt across the small pool, ready to do anything to stop the Goddess, but as i landed, i slipped on the rocks and fell back into the pool. Water rushed into my eyes, my nose, my ears and mouth...........


I snapped my eyes open, thankful to be back in my office, on the sofa, and dry. The dream had shook me, but i was more angry than anything. How dare the Moon Goddess try to separate me from my mate now. And how dare she put that fleabag Damien with my mate.

The more i though about it, the angrier i became, until i finally made up my mind.

I would defy the Moon Goddess, and take my mate back by force. And to do that, i had to wipe Damien Grey off the face of the Earth.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry this chapter took so long, but I've been so busy recently! I've moved house and it's taken weeks to get everything sorted. But i want to let you guys know that i really appreciate all of the comments i get about how amazing you guys think my book is! That's what keeps me motivated to write! So thank you guys so much, you are amazing! I never imagined my book would get so popular! Hopefully the next chapter won't take as long, but you know what I'm like, i can never stick to my own schedule! Anyway, until the next chapter,

Bye guys!


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