Chapter 6

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"Avery" i heard a voice say and i opened my eyes. Alfie was smiling down at me and i closed my eyes and returned it. I felt the covers fly off my body and my eyes shot open at the rush of cold air. "Alfieeee" i whined and he laughed sitting on the bed. He lifted me up and wrapped me in his arms. I instantly became warm again and held onto him.

"I put the bags in the car" he said and i felt an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach remembering what i was going to do. "Now i'll put you in the car" he laughed and picked me up and started to walk to the door. I looked up to see him smiling down at me and i didn't smile back but closed my eyes and pretended to be tired.

I felt myself being placed in an unfamiliar car and the door was slammed shut. I jumped a little then the drivers side opened and Alfie got into car and shut his door. "I'm so excited!" he said and i nodded looking out at the now dark Arizona street. He grabbed my hand and pulled it making me look at him "I love you". I smiled "I love you too" i said and he leaned over and kissed me before starting the car.

The streets that usually were flooded with people were now bare. I rolled down my window and took in the quiet night's chilly air. As we drove the street lights glowed orange due to age and illumined the black car. I felt like i wasn't even in the town i grew up in, it felt a whole new planet.

But the houses and streets disappeared and and were replaced with highway and the far off unknown darkness. I rolled my window back up and slumped into my seat and looked over at Alfie. "How long?" i asked "few hours" he said and started to turn the radio on.

Since it was three in the morning the only thing that was on was R&B or boring radio shows. I reached over and turned it off "I'd rather it be quiet" and he laughed "Me too". After that there was an unsettling silence and i took the time to think.

I thought about getting married to Alfie, and to be honest the thought scared me to death. Not of Alfie because i knew he would make an amazing husband but of marriage. I witnessed my biological father and mother's marriage go from happy to a mess. Then i watched my mother cling onto the monster that was my stepfather. I knew nothing about marriage or how to make it work, that was the scary part.

Plus i was only eight-teen, i pretty sure that's a bit young to be married. I didn't have much a future with all this and i wasn't sure if i had one as a wife. God once the media picks up on that i married Alfie we would never hear the end of it. And just as we were no longer the top story of the nation. Things with us would never be normal, never.

"You ok?" Alfie asked bringing me out of my thoughts "Yea!" i said fake smiling. "I'm happy were doing this" he said "Me too" i said between gritted teeth. I turned around and fiddled with one of my bags and pulled out my cigarettes. I rolled down the window and lit one of the few i had left.

"Really?" he said and i rolled my eyes "Yep" i said and took a puff. It was quiet again as i continuing to smoke. "It's bad for you" he said and i just ignored him and continued to smoke. "Avery it's-" "FINE!" i shouted and threw the cigarette out the window and rolled the window up "You sound like my damn mother" i said crossing my arms.

"Is that why you left home?" he asked and i laughed "One of the smaller reasons". "What was a big reason?" he asked and i shook my head "You don't want to know". He reached over and rested his hand on my knee and i relaxed a little. "She hated us, together" I said and rested my hand on top of his and played with his fingers.

"Is that all?" he asked and i sighed "No." I simply said. "He flipped his hand around and laced it with mine "You can tell me" he said and closed my eyes and let out all the air in my body. "She defended him" i said and Alfie understood i was talking about my stepfather. 

"She tried to stop me from testify against him. She told me she still loved him!" i said tears now sliding down my cheeks. "She said i should have just not talked back and maybe he wouldn't have done it!" i said and started to sob like a small child. Alfie's grip tightened and i  opened my eyes looking at the dark road ahead.

"She's wrong" he said and i nodded "I know" i said and tried to regulate my breathing again. "When he was convicted she didn't talk to me for a week, she thought it was my fault." i said and gripped his hand tighter "She thought it was my fault" i said again. "It's not! He had no right to rape you or hit you and your brothers" he said and rubbed his thumbs on the back of my hand.

The rest of the drive was completely silent. Not a word was spoken between us till we saw the sign that read "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada" Alfie read out loud. The sadness subsided for a while and the nerves came back worse then ever.

Alfie clapped his massive hands together almost sounding like a clap thunder. We drove past a few man in drag and a few people not dressed at all. "Wow" Alfie said and i looked out the windshield to see a woman barely clothed walking across the street. I hit Alfie's arm and laughed "You could try to be discreet about it" and he laughed turning red.

We drove a little further into town and Alfie pulled into the lit up white building. He jumped out the car then ran to my side and piratically pulled me out. He locked the car then dragged me into the building that was all white inside and had a red carpet leading to a desk.

Alfie dragged me up the the desk and rang the gold bell that sat on the counter. A man came out of the door behind the desk and Alfie wrapped his arms around me holding me as close as humanly possible. "How may i help you two beautiful people?" he asked and my mind started to race. 

What the hell was i getting ready to do in this place. Was this really the answer to our problems, well did we have a choice? God what if this is a mistake and were doing this all for the wrong reasons. No i love Alfie and i want to keep him and this is how to do it! 

Then i felt Alfie pushing me so i looked up at my soon to be husband. "Looks like we have separate room for the night, that ok right?" he asked and i almost wanted to cheer "Yes!" i said and squeezed him. He bent down and pressed his lips to mine and i quickly kissed back.

He pulled back "Save it for tomorrow night" he said and winked. I turned bright red and nervously laughed at the thought. "See you tomorrow Mrs.Deyes" he said and i smiled "Bye" i awkwardly said. He laughed and turned around to follow the gentlemen much shorter than him.

"Ready?" i turned to see a blond lady and i nodded. I followed her up some stairs and into a room "I'll bring your bags up bride to be!" she cheered and i nodded as she left. When she shut the door i could finally let go of the fake smile that was plastered on face. I went to lay in my bed for the rest of the night.

What was i going to do?

My Happy Ending?(Sequel to Teacher Pet) - Discontinued -Where stories live. Discover now