The New Class

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When Hermione woke up she realized that she had fallen asleep in her clothes. She got out of bed and head in the bathroom to get ready for the day. After taking a quick shower, she got dressed in her white blouse and black school skirt, which came down about mid thigh, opting to wear knee high socks instead of tights under it. One of the best things about being a Seventh Year in her opinion was that the school gave them some slack on a lot of things including uniform. She tied her Gryffindor tie around her neck and then started the task of tackling her bushy mane. Hermione had already mastered the tact to taming the mess but couldn't be bothered to do it for school. And since she hadn't braided in her hair before she fell asleep all she could be bothered to do at that moment was brush out the knots and day old curls and pull her hair back into a ponytail.

She went back into her room and grabbed a clean robe, putting it on to hide her clothes. Though she enjoyed the leeway given preferred to let people continue to see her bookworm side, she was comfortable with that. She grabbed her book bag and left the Heads' Quarters, heading to the Gryffindor Tower to meet up with her friends. Just as she got in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, Harry Ron and Ginny climbed through and the four of them went down to the Great Hall together.

As they entered they saw Fay Dunbar waving them over and made their way there. Hermione and Ginny sat between Fay and Parvati Patil, and the boys sat on either side of Dean Thomas on the other side of the table. Ron, as usual, wasted no time piling food onto his plate. Hermione poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice and grabbed a piece of toast.  As she took a sip of her juice she looked around the hall. "I didn't notice last night, but a lot of Slytherins didn't come back this year," she observed looking at the half empty table.

"No Goyle and Nott," Harry said.

"Parkinson's missing too," Ginny added.

"Don't say it like it's such a bad thing," Ron said. "If only Malfoy had stayed away too, this would've been a perfect year."

"Ron you can't say that," Hermione said. "While he is an insufferable git, Malfoy is the Head Boy, so mind what you say before our House has your head."

As the students ate, Professor McGonagall stood to say that all of the Seventh Years were to go to the Room of Requirements for their first class. This confused most of the students a bit, why the Room of Requirements? But nevertheless after breakfast all of the Seventh Years headed up to the room and stood outside unsure what kind of room they really required. Then the door swung open to reveal Professor Rose. "Come in, come in," she said beckoning them all inside. "Now I know that you are all wondering why we are in the Room of Requirements, that's because it's the only room in the school that can be equipped with what we need for this class."

"And what exactly is this class?" Naesha Morey, another Gryffindor, asked.

"This... well this is the Marriage and Family class," she announced causing half of the students in the room to choke on their saliva.

"Why?" Anthony Goldstein, a Ravenclaw student asked.

"Your Headmistress believes that it is time that all of you got to know each other better and learned to get along," Professor Rose answered. "You will be paired with a student from another House and the will be your "spouse." Each couple will be in a cottage located on the school grounds." Groans and protests were heard going across the room. "In addition, you and your partner will also parent a child that will be created by a spell. The school will supply the basic necessities for the child, such as a cot, pram, nappies formula and clothes. One of the main reasons for this is that the children will age quickly and have accelerated growth for the first part."

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