Welcome Back to Hogwarts

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September the 1st, to a muggle it was just another day, but for any person with magical abilities in Britain it was the day they return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The day when they all head to Kings Cross Station in London and pass through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4. Hermione Granger, also known as the brightest witch of the age, and one third of the Golden Trio, was among them, returning to complete her missed Seventh Year.  Her parents accompanied her to the station and bid her farewell as she passed through the barrier.  It was almost 11 meaning that Hogwarts Express would be departing soon, and Hermione hurried to board the train "'Mione!" a voice called just as a bunch of red hair crashed into her, meters away from the doors.

"Hey Ginny," Hermione said as she hugged the younger girl.

"Ginny hurry up the train will be leaving soon!" a redheaded boy called.

"Well, Ronald, if that's how you greet your friend," Hermione laughed as she and Ginny walked over to her friends.

"Hey 'Mione," Ron said giving Hermione a one armed hug.

Even though Ron and Hermione shared a kiss in the Chamber of Secrets during the battle they were not together. Any feelings they thought they had towards the other dissolved with the kiss. The pair acknowledged that it happened in the heat of the moment and agreed that it would not change or strain their friendship.

"Ok all of you talk on the train, go, go, go," Molly Weasley interrupted ushering the four of them onto the train. "Hello Hermione it's good to see you, hope to see you for Christmas."

As she was already on the train steps, Hermione paused and turned to look at the woman who was like her second mother. "Wouldn't miss it," she smiled and the clock struck 11.

The Hogwarts Express started moving and Hermione turned back around, continuing behind her three friends as they went in search of a compartment.

"Isn't it great to be going back?" Hermione asked as they finally settled down in an empty one.

"Hermione, you are the only person excited for an extra year of school," Ron said. "No matter how much we all like Hogwarts."

"Ron, you aren't allowed to complain," Hermione said, "You didn't even go to school last year. So for you this will just be making up for missed time."

"Hermione's right, we were out hunting Horcruxes and trying to not get killed. I think that just about guaranteed that we'd have to come back for another year," Harry responded.

"Think about those who were stuck in school all year and now have to come back to take it again," Ginny concluded. "Though with the teaching we were under, we might as well have not been there at all."

"Though you still advanced Gin," Harry said and Ginny just shrugged in response with a smug smirk on her face.

Ron made a face but didn't argue knowing that his friends and sister were right. Once the topic of returning to Hogwarts was out of the way,and sweets from the trolley were bought,  Ginny went to go find their other friends and the trio went on to talk about other things. They start with their summer since they hadn't been together at all for the first time since they met seven years ago. Ron shocked his friends by announcing that he worked all through the summer, helping George run the joke shop. Hermione went to track down her parents. It took some time to find them, but eventually she did. After she restored their memories, they travelled across Europe.

Harry had spent his summer with the Dursleys. When the others heard that they demanded more details. Harry chuckled and started his story. "It was about a week after the war ended. I was at Grimmauld Place, a bit lonely with just Kreacher and me really, when an owl came to the window. I thought it was from one of you at first, but the writing on the envelope was unfamiliar. So I opened it. Imagine my surprise to find that it was from Dudley asking how I was and if I could come for a visit...

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