Long Day

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"Take the carrier or my books," Ginny snapped. "Because the alternative would be bat wings on your face, a pig's tail and puss filled boils covering your body. Take your pick."

"I take it the first night as a family went well," Hermione said as Alex took Ginny's books allowing her to carry the carrier up the stairs.

"Yeah....just great," she said, sarcasm evident in her voice. "So where's your 'husband?'"

"Good question. My guess would be on his way to Potions by now, probably stopping to torture some poor first year in the hall," the other Gryffindor girl answered as she levitated her books so that she could properly carry Isabella's carrier. "I dealt with her all day and night and then this morning he had the audacity to tell me that her crying kept him up."

"I can't believe we have to be "married" to those idiots. We're going to end up killing them before this project ends," Ginny growled.

"Speaking of that, a little warning about the bloody ring magically appearing on my finger would've been nice Gin," Hermione said gesturing to the gold band on her ring finger with the engraving Malfoy on it. "I nearly had a heart attack when I saw it."

The pair of girls got to the Seventh floor corridor and thought of the Marriage and Family classroom. The door appeared and they entered. The room was bigger than it had been the day before and cots were lined around the room. "Professor Rose, will you be alright looking after all of these children?" Hermione asked as she placed Isabella in an empty cot close by.

"Don't worry about that Miss Malfoy, I'll be fine," the professor said. "I have a bit of help coming."

Hermione tried not to cringe when Professor Rose called her 'Malfoy', but Ginny noticed just as she turned to leave. Hermione turned to Isabella one more time. Looking into her grey-blue eyes, Hermione felt her earlier frustration melt away. "Alright baby girl, mama will see you later," she said placing a kiss on the little girl's forehead.

Then she and Ginny were out of the door and heading down to Potions. Once there, the two girls sat together at the empty table in the front. The moment however was short lived when Professor Slughorn entered the room. "Okay Seventh Years, as part of your Marriage and Family class you are required to sit with your partners. So, if they are in this class, switch seats," he said.

Ginny and Hermione both groan audibly. "You've got to be kidding me," Hermione mumbled. "The last thing I want is to sit with Malfoy."

"I completely understand," Ginny said turning around. "Someone must not like Webster at all. He can't keep his mouth shut and if I hear one more stupid remark from him he's done."

With that Ginny got up and moved to sit beside her partner. Hermione turned to look at Draco sitting in the back and glared because he was making no effort to move at all, as if he expected her to get up and go back there. He's sadly mistaken if he thinks that I am going anywhere, she thought as she turned back to the front of the room. "Miss Malfoy," Slughorn said making Hermione grit her teeth, "why aren't you and Mr. Malfoy sitting together?"

"First Professor, if I must carry the Malfoy name can we please keep my own name at the end? And to answer your question, as the situation stands right now, my darling "husband" didn't lift a finger yesterday or this morning to help with his daughter," she said in a sickeningly sweet and calm voice, then she turned to look at Draco once more "So I don't think it should be too much trouble for him to get off of his lazy butt and sit over here," she snapped.

There was a collective breath intake from about half of the students around the room and a few of the Slytherins were wide-eyed. "Oh, uh...very well, Mr. Malfoy..." Slughorn said gesturing to the empty seat beside Hermione.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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