Frary 2

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Hey, if your reading this great! These chapters are not a story but instead are my Frary dreams. A fan girl may dream you know. I like to imagine this was set sometime around 3x04 where they're telling each other about their dreams. I know that nothing like this could have happened but hey, a girl can dream.

He lies beside me, his eyes closed. His mouth is parted in sleep. With the blonde hair framing his face like a halo, it wouldn't be difficult to believe in the existence of angels.
Would our child be blonde like him or dark like me?
It is clear that in my heart our child should be blonde. An image of his father with blue eyes that hold an ocean and trap people like a sea siren, framed by long blonde eyelashes that with each blink make your heart stop.
His long blonde hair that would curl and twist no matter how hard you tried to smooth it.

Francis' desires are nothing of the same. In his dream our daughter Anne would be strong and fierce and intelligent, a dark haired beauty as he would put it. But for Francis it is not the heir that holds the dream for him. It is not for either of us. As much as I would love to produce a male heir that would protect us both.
The true appeal is the unity and the bit of Francis that would always be mine. For Francis it is the fact that a child is his way of demonstrating to the world his love for me. An image of his love for me.
What was it he said before?
"I do not make love to you because I want a baby, I want a baby because I love you."
I smile at the memory.
Of the easiness of our relationship before he was ill. I must remember to make the most of these situations. I am terrified for him, even now the blood for his ear stains the pillow.

The haunting thought that our dream may remain one is what keeps me awake at night. After one year of marriage I am not yet ready to give up on Francis. Those foolish mistake I made with first Bash and then Condè, the pain I caused Francis, it still remains in his eyes.

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