Mr. & Mrs. Lee

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Sometimes big spaces look smaller and small spaces looks bigger, and there are times when big spaces appears to be bigger and small places appears to be smaller. It's all about how empty or how full they are, even though this house looks big and it's full with furniture's, decor and paintings and sometimes even full of people, it never fails to look emptier than it really is, it never fails to be lonelier each day, the distance between us, every time grows longer.

Hanna wondered while taking each step off the stairs, looking around, at the paintings, the furniture's, the rooms decorated with such flawless taste, each room seems balanced, there are not to many and not too much things, the colors are a perfect combination between cold and warm, bright and soft colors. She opened the door of the Dinning area, this was one of the most beautiful and at the same time one of the most simplest room in the entire house, every time she enters this room her mood becomes dark, it's not because of some miss placed furniture, nor of any ugly painting, nor the beautiful panoramic view that can be seen from this room, but from the handsome man sitting at the other side of the table. The man who's presence never fails to be noticed.

 When entering the room she can always smell his subtle but manly perfume that he uses every morning. He is always either reading the newspaper, or looking through his mails via his phone or tablet. Even though this man looked dashing, handsome even breathtaking and she knew how many woman would die to wake up in the morning and see this man first thing in the morning, but for her seeing him every morning was more of a headache than a pleasant encounter.

" Good morning," Hanna said with not too much emotions, it's like she just said it more out of good manners and not because she really meant it. 

" Good morning, " the man at the other side of the table said, and not even looking up, to see her, but he just kept reading . As usual.

Hanna took a seat at her side of the table, and picked the newspaper on the table. The following the same routine of everyday.

Who would have imagine this, her a hot, rebel, cool woman, married to the mean jack ass siting in front of her. Whenever She looks at him, she has to wonder how she is able to actually stand him sometimes. She took a glance at him, and scoffed. " look at him, his posture, the way he moves around, his stupid perfect dark brown hair, the clothes he is wearing, I mean I know this marriage is entirely fake, all about appearances, but does .e really have to dress and act like a single play boy, 1,2,3 I don't care planet calling Hanna, remember, you don't give a damn about him." She thought.

"Carmen, did you forget the green tea and the coffee," Hanna said, before taking a bite of her breakfast, Only then the men looked at her and then next to his plate and then to his phone again.

'One more day married to this annoying, bad ass, bitch, going to this curse of eating every morning together, I just can't stand seeing her face first thing in the morning and more if she keeps starring at me, like If I was some sort of a bastard rapist, that just came out of jail, geeez, look at her, she is already 30, but keep wearing black leather jackets , with those tight blue jeans, black ankle boots, and and her usual simple White t-shirts, I mean she has independent, rebel, feminist written all over her, that's why the reporters keeps writing ridiculous articles about me, I mean they must think I'm crazy for being married to this crazy woman, tsss and her wild past doesn't help me that much either." Paul thought.

Carmen walked from the kitchen to the dinning area while holding a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, The dinning room is where Mr & Mrs lee eat's every morning, She can just say that this is not her favourite time of the day. Going in the dinning room were they are eating is always really awkward and tense, it always seems that there is a quiet war going on between them, with only glares, sarcastic smiles, with some short sentences trow in between. Carmen was always afraid to walk into the war-zone afraid of stepping on any landmines that can trigger any explosion. When they're usually talking, it would be to argue about something or to simply say goodbye. 'Why did a prepare the tea and the coffee late this time , not like myself,' Carmen thought.

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