Chapter 7

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"Hello?" Ross's voice rings through the phone as I hold it away from my ear, turning down the volume a bit. "Ross?" I ask, my voice cracking. "Oh hey Jin. Is everything alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't find my car and I'm not sure I can drive. Do you think you could come pick me up?" I sigh and look down at the pavement. I can't believe I'm having to do this.

"Wait, you're still at the offices?" His voice takes on a tone of worry. "Yeah" I run my free hand through my hair. "Oh, okay, um... yeah, I can come. Be there in 15 minutes. Are you gonna be okay for now?" "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks Ross". "No problem, be there soon".

Shutting off the phone, I toss it in my bag and lay down on the bench. A gust of wind climbs up my spine, causing me to shiver and wrap my coat tighter around me. I should probably go back inside the offices to wait for Ross, it would be a lot warmer in there. Sitting up again, I take my keys and unlock the doors, turning the lights back on. Tossing my bags inside and flipping on the lights, I walk over to the couch and lay down.

The world spins a bit as I adjust the position of my head to lie more comfortably on the couch. I take a deep breath and pull my coat tighter over my shoulders. Closing my eyes, I pull my knees up to my chest and sigh. This is going to be a long night.


"Jin? Hey, Jin! Wake up!" I slowly open my eyes and flip onto my back, looking up at the ceiling. The room starts to spin again and I quickly shut my eyes. "Hey, Jin, are you okay?" My head feels weird and I can't quite tell who's talking with my eyes closed. Flipping around to face the speaker, I slowly force my eyes to open. Everything is blurry, and I can't quite make out who is standing in front of me.

"Who are you? I can't see right" I blurt out into the room. For all I know I could be talking to a coat rack. "Jin? It's me, Ross. I arrived ten minutes ago, but you didn't wake up until now. Do you need to see a doctor?" "No, I'm fine" I say. I hear Ross sigh. "Sure you are. Alright, we really need to get to the car. You can walk right?"

I take a deep breath and push myself up into a sitting position. "Yeah, I should be able to" I say. "Here, let me help you up" Ross reaches down and place his hands on my arms, lifting me up off of the couch and wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Come on, you can do it" He says, almost sarcastically, as we walk towards the door. My vision isn't getting any better, in fact, it's getting worse.

"Ross?" I say, hoping that my voice was loud enough to be heard. "Yeah?" He switches off the lights, making the room go dark, before opening the door in front of us. "Ross, I really can't see that well. With or without the lights on" I stumble a bit, and he pulls me back towards him. "That's fine, you're just really tired" From behind us I hear the click of the door as Ross finishes locking it. "It'll get better tomorrow, and if it doesn't I can take you to a doctor" I sigh. What did I ever do to deserve such a great friend?

Finally, after what seems like ages, we arrive at Ross's car. "We're here. I'll toss your stuff in the back, and you hop into the passenger's seat" Ross says, helping me to the door. As I slide into the car and shut the door, I hear my bags being tossed in the back. Besides me, the door clicks and Ross slides into the car, turning on the engine and popping on the inside lights.

I feel something warm being draped around my shoulders as I rest my head against the car door. The window is freezing, but at this point I couldn't care less. I tuck my legs under the seat and close my eyes. The lights flip off and I hear Ross back out, before speeding out onto the road.

"Hey, Ross?" I pull my arms up to my chest to warm myself up. "Yeah?" My stomach seems to flip a little. I really need some rest. "Thank you, so much" He slows the car down a bit and takes one hand off the wheel, placing it on my shoulder. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not that tired anyways. I don't usually get that much sleep, honestly" He lets out a small laugh and rubs my shoulder.

"Still, I really do appreciate it" He laughs again. "Well, if there's anything I need, I'll be sure to let you know" He replies sarcastically. "But seriously, you don't need to thank me. You know that saying, that's what your friends are for!" I laugh. "Real cheesy Ross, real cheesy".

A/N - Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Since I only uploaded a pretty short chapter recently, I wanted to write a longer one this time.

So, two things. One, I'm planning on doing a Q and A soon (because I honestly have nothing better to do with my time), so if you have any questions I'll try to answer as many as possible!

Two, I wanted to thank you once again for the crazy amount of support this book has gotten. 1.5k reads already?! That's insane! It's amazing to think that this book is entertaining to so many people, and I really do appreciate it. Thank you all so much! :)

CANCELED - Dreaming Of You - Rossbop FanficWhere stories live. Discover now