I Tried to Do This on Time

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Hey! Thought this was an update? HA! Fooled you!

But seriously, the update is coming out soon. I'm still working on it :P. In the meantime, I actually got tagged to do a tag thing by this awesome author INTERNETCOOKIE . Seriously, they write some really cool stuff.

Anyways, ON TO THE TAG!

1. My name is Alexa, and my last name shall remain a mystery of the internet

2. When I started out writing, I originally wrote fantasy

3. Once in second grade, I had a book that I wrote (well, kinda, it was a ripoff of the Magic Tree House series that I called the "Magic Boat House" but oh well it still counts) signed by this author that came to our school

4. I spend, on average, about 3-5 hours on YouTube a day, and that's not counting using it as background music when I play video games or do homework

5. I have around 15 or so sketchbooks in my room that are all around 90% full

6. The longest I've ever stayed awake was approximately 3 days or so

7. My dad works at a University, and because I'm there so often pretty much everybody there thinks I'm a college student

8. Once I had a music sub who put on a movie for us and fell asleep on the desk. Like, actually on top of the desk

9. I'm pretty sure there are at least two or three people out there somewhere plotting to kill me

10. I want to make horror video games as a job, as well as possibly being a graphic designer

11. When I was little I always wanted to have brown hair (my hair is dirty blonde)

12. I have an unhealthy addiction to Oreo cookies

13. I bought an $120 microphone to use to record YouTube videos with, and shortly afterwards found out that it doesn't work with my recording program

Now is where I tag people that I don't know and hope they respond or something (pls)







*I would tag more people but I ran out of people in my library... yeah I know that's not a good excuse but I tried

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