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the afternoon air held a taste of difference- something has changed in my life and I know exactly what that is- my future.

I, Robin Grey, submissive wolf of the great and mighty Thorne pack has taken a productive step in securing my future- if the Alpha takes my offer that is.

The warm breeze caresses my skin softly, the soft hanging light from the sun kisses my bare arms as I think over the past few hours- I've known Alpha Dean since my birth, he's two years older than me and very handsome but he's a fantastic Alpha and this pack would not be able to handle the change if he was kicked out because his mate couldn't bear his pup.

He's kind, stern yet understanding and those traits are what make an Alpha great- he is fantastic and yes, I have a slight crush on him but not enough to say it's on my mind every second of every day- he's handsome with his dark short blonde hair, sun tanned skin and 6'3 frame and muscles that could make you drool in the most inappropriate places.

But he's mated and I would never break a family or even dare get between mates- that's a big no no, you never interfere with someone else's mate, for that you can get exiled.

A cough brings me out of thoughts, I turn on my heel- Alpha Dean stands there alone and he looks mighty awkward- he waves slightly at me and return it with a warm smile and the sight alone makes me want to laugh, he looks cute.

"Alpha, how are you?". I ask, respectfully.

He waves me off with a nervous smile.

"Please, call me Dean". He says as he walks closer to me- my stomach tightens slightly.

I smile politely at him as the idea of calling him by his first name makes me cringe with disrespect.

"I'm guessing you have made your choice". I ask, deciding to get straight to the point- we shouldn't drag this out.

He exhales loudly and rubs the back of his neck as he chuckles nervously- I watch him intently- lost in the image of him for a moment.

"Yeah, we have- listen". he turns to me, all traces of the nervous alpha has disappeared and now I see the seriousness in his steel grey eyes which make me listen immediately. "We would be honoured if you would carry our pup, but there is a problem and you cant utter a word to any one in the pack- okay?". He asks, his voice is deep and chilled me to bone.

I nodded mechanically- I would never betray my alpha.

He leans in closer and his cologne invades my personal space- I quietly inhale the spicy scent.

it's nice.

"Victoria, my wife".

Your mate... he always says wife.

"She cant conceive children- I mean, she has no viable eggs..." He leaves the sentence hanging in the dead air between us- he looks at me expectedly, his pink plump lips open slightly, I can feel the warmth of his breath fanning against my face.

that's when it catches up with me- she cant have babies, she cant put her eggs in me.

My hopes crash immediately and I feel the disappointment flood through me.

"Oh". I whisper not being able to hide such a feeling- I will always be stuck in this pack as the submissive male wolf.

C'mon, Robin, get a grip of yourself- don't be pathetic.

I take a deep breath before exhaling carefully.

"So, here's where the difficult choice makes it's ugly appearance". He starts suddenly. I look at him with disbelief- there's a choice?

"Continue". I prompt.

He exhales loudly and folds his arms against his chest and catches my eyes and the sight that I see has my heart stuck in my throat- he looks sad.

"Would you...ugh, ok- would you sell us your egg?".

I flinch.

"Just listen!". He pleads as I stare at him wide eyed- stunned. "The pack will think that Victoria has simply placed her egg inside of you with my sperm- we will pay you so you can travel the world- I hate asking this, Robin- god, I do- but I need a child, I want a pup". He pleads desperately and the sight shocks me out of my stupor- I have never seen an alpha so heartbroken but this is my child that I will be giving up... my own blood...

can I do that?

could I give up my child to raised up by another 'mother'?

my chest tightens as I think over this decision- it's not like I am not doing this for a good reason- this baby will basically save the pack and everyone's home- the baby will be loved, protected and given everything it ever wants- it will be an alpha's child.

I couldn't give them anything like that, they will be happy.

and this thoughts actually makes me happy because they will have Dean as a father. As much as it will hurt to give them up, I will know it will feel a 1000 times better knowing my child will have Dean.

Exhaling quietly.

I nod and smile small at the sickly looking alpha.

I place out my hand.

"You have yourself a deal, Dean".

He stares at me wide eyed before in a flash the biggest smile breaks across his face- his steel eyes light up with joy as he chuckles and the sight makes me ache. I don't know why but on the other hand it makes me joyous that I have made him this happy.

"Really?". He asks, like a child in disbelief. I chuckle softly as I nod.

"I know you will make this child happy, they will be protected, loved and will save lives- that's all I can ask for my child". I mean every word- god, I do.

He reaches forward, his large hand covers over mine and I stifle a small gasp as something warm makes itself known there. But it feels muted.

"I will protect and love our child, I promise, Robin".

A thrill runs through me as he says 'our child'- it felt so good- so right.

God, I need to get a grip.

"So, how and when are we going to do this?". I ask abruptly.



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