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A painful gasp is ripped out of my mouth as I feel a sharp pain explode across my hand, I blink owlishly as my hand throbs and a fast blur passes me.

I blink quickly and look down at the mess on the floor, my stomach growls and tightens painfully- I feel sad at the sight on the floor- my pie.

Turning to find a hard glaring Leo looking at me.

I glare back.

"What the fuck is your problem?! do you think that's funny? grow the fuck up!". I snarl, annoyed and angry at his childish behaviour- if this was his pie why the fuck didn't he just say like an adult.

"My problem? what's your problem". he points and yells accusingly- I flinch at the anger and pure shock in his voice- his eyes are bulging with...confusion. "Why are you trying to kill yourself?".

"What?- whoa- what the hell, Leo? I am not trying to kill myself!". I yell back- offended and stupefied at his weird question.

I feel my breathing turning heavier as I watch him- he's glaring at me.

"You would break my best friends heart and kill your own pup-"

A hot flash of white anger burns through me and for a second my wolf takes over and I aim for his throat.

A snarl rips itself from my lips and I violently wrap my hands around his muscular neck.

"I WOULD NEVER KILL MY PUP! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!". I roar as I tighten my grip- my primal side enjoying the sight of this powerful animal falling to his knees in front of me.

"Robin, what's all the screaming-- ROBIN!". My mates worried voice breaks through my haze- I turn to him and I find him close, his hand on my shoulders- his eyes worried as he brings his face closer to me.

"Baby, stop it. Don't do this- please, listen to me- think of our pup. C'mon, calm down". He pleads soothingly as he rubs circles into my shoulders- the feel of my mate does in fact calm my beast and I find myself in more control- the heavy burden releases itself more my chest and I exhale deeply and release my grip on a spluttering Leo.

Instantly Dean backs me away and holds me close- he kisses my hair and I find myself snuggling closer for warmth.

"What happened? Leo- are you okay?". he asks, I watch with embarrassment as Leo stands up and sends me a glare.

"Don't look at him like that". Dean warns dangerously low- I feel his chest rumble.

Leo rolls his eyes but his eyes soften.

"So, what happened?".

"Your mate was trying to kill himself". Leo announces- worry and anger spiral through me.

"What?". Dean asks with a gasp- I felt his pain as he pulled away to look at me. I see pain in his eyes. "Robin, w--.

"All I was doing was about to eat a pie! I wasn't going to fucking kill my pup and myself! I don't know what the fuck he is going on about!". I explode as I angrily scream. I snarl at Leo.

"Leo, what the fuck are you causing shit for?". Dean demands harshly as he brings me back into his chest- he must feel the connection- he's knows I am telling the truth.

"I am not. But, I guess I may have got things messed up- cant you smell it, Dean?". He implores all caring now.

Dean frowns and then I hear him inhale and then he splutters and growls.

I look at him, confused.


He looks down at me and he's angry.

"Don't you smell it?". He asks, harsh.

I shake my head.

"All I smell is berry and apple pie which I need to devour by the way". I harshly push away from his angry look and I see regret flash through his eyes as he pulls me back into his chest and wraps me tight.

"baby, I am sorry but are you sure you cant smell it?". He asks.

"Smell what? did someone fart- what??". I groan annoyed.

"Red Gnome Poison". Leo answers.

I frown.

"Isnt that really poisonous to shifters?". I ask.

"Yes and especially to pregnant shifters- that pie is reeking of it, how haven't you smelled it?". leo asks, stunned.

I look up at Dean- he looks so serious.

I gasp at the realisation.

"Someone tried to kill me".

"And our pup". Dean adds.

"How didn't I smell it?".

"It must have something to do with the other ingredients- they were overpowering the smell of the poison". Leo adds in thoughtfully.

I shake my head as I feel a fear grip my heart.

"Who would do such a vile thing?". I whispered.

"Victoria". Dean growls.

"No, even she wouldn't sink to this level surely-"

"No, he's right, Robin. Her scent is covering this pie". Leo defends.

I lean closer into Dean who tightens his hold on us.

"Too far. She's gone too far". He snarled.

"What're we going to do?".

"Kill her". He said and I felt my whole body freeze at the venom within his voice.

"Dean, no". I began to protest-

"She tried to kill the Luna and the future alpha of this pack- this is treason".

"The whole pack still believe she is your mate and Luna, they will not believe us, Dean". I add.

"They will believe me- that bitch will have nothing to do with my pack". He growled, his wolf on the surface.

"Robin- his alpha is breaking through- all he knows for sure that his Mate and baby were nearly killed- he wont stop". Leo speaks as he watches me with understanding. "Back away".

"I will find her and I will rip her fucking head from her body- that evil bitch has stolen everything for me and has trapped me within a fake marriage- that girl is poison and I will end her". His voice turned deep- he kisses my head softy before I am released and I watch him run out.

"Leo, look after him!". He demands before I watch my beloved leave.

"He's going to destroy her- Leo, we need Violet".

"Who? and by the way what is that smell?". He asks me- confused.

I scoff and gesture to the pie.

"Poison, remember?". I snark as I grab the pie and throw it in the bin.

"No, not that. It smells so...good- so sweet and.... who the hell is Violet?".

"Me". Violet announces as she stands by the door- she's staring at Leo with wide eyes. "Uh, oh".


I stare at them both and I cant help but roll my eyes.

Cliché much?


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