How he acts on drugs (LSD):

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John: Upright ridiculous. He'll sit in one spot pretty much all day and stare, or sit in his office and slowly write lyrics to a song that don't make sense.
"Crabalocker Fishwife, Pornagraphic Priestess, Man you've been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.."

Sound familiar?

Paul: Having extremely weird mood swings. He's happy and laughing one second, then the next, he's scared out of his mind of nothing. He'll flinch if you touch him even a little and look around with the most paranoid expression.

George: He might be sitting in a chair in the dining room staring at nothing, but his mouth is wide open and he seems to be in a totally different world.

Ringo: Doing the same thing as George, except occasionally getting up and switching places. He might sway a lot too.

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