Chapter 1

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Just another morning. Another day. Another day of the same old routine. The same routine I've had for hundreds of years...but I don't need to be thinking of that right now. I'll just suck it up and try to live another day. Is what I thought as I fluttered my eyes open to reveal the bright, morning sun. I groaned as I sat up on my bamboo bed and stretched out my back. Once I felt that pop I sighed and stood up, looking around my small hut that I called home.

After looking around to see what needed to be done, I changed into my dress made up palm tree leaves and grabbed my spear and basket before heading out into the jungle. Using my spear, I trudged through the sandy dirt and swatted bushes and tree leaves out of the way to make a path to my spot for getting food. 

As I walked along the depths of the jungle I thought about my birthday that was coming up soon. Today was June 21, 2014 and my birthday was on June 28th. Approximately 7 days away from becoming 20 years old. Well in human years at least...Anyway, I walked through trees and bushes until I got to the fruit trees. I reached up and picked mangoes, pineapples, peaches, oranges, bananas, berries, and other fruits and put all of them in my basket.

Once that was done I pulled out my hand-made satchel and spear and walked over to the river where the fish were. I ran up to a big rock next to the river and put my basket and spear down before diving into the fresh water. As I expected, a tingling sensation traveled through my body and within 10 seconds my long legs were replaced with a long blue tail with gold highlights along the it as well as my dress was replaced with a matching scale bra.

I smiled at the feeling of my true form now free and out, being exposed to the fresh water and the glimmering sunlight that was shining down on it, making my tail sparkle thanks to the golden highlights. I swam around and looked for fish to have for dinner tonight. After searching for many minutes I found a medium sized fish that looked good and was safe to eat since I've had that kind of fish before. I smiled and quietly swam through the sea grass so that i don't spook the fish and waited a minute before zooming over to the fish and grabbing it. The fish struggled greatly but I held a tight grip on it and used one of my scales to stab the fish, killing it instantly.

With my meal all set I swam up to the surface and put the fish in my mouth for a brief moment to haul myself up before grabbing the fish again and putting it down. I then curled my fingers into a fist and steam dried my tail until my legs appeared. Reaching over for my satchel I grabbed the fish and put it into the satchel before standing up, grabbing my spear and basket, and walking out of the jungle.

I walked through the bushes and leaves once more before making it to the beach where my hut was. I finally made it back to my hut and walked over to my cooler where I kept all of the food that I found on my daily scavenger hunt. Once I was done with putting the fish and fruit in the cooler, I used my powers to create ice to keep all of it cold and closed the cooler,but not without taking a peach. 

I stood up and walked outside my hut and sat down on the sand, looking out at the morning sky. Taking a bite of the peach, I sighed and laid down on my back and looked at the clear blue sky...with the occasional cloud passing over. As I looked at the sky, my thoughts started drifting over to my family. It's been many, many years since they died, but I still miss them. It was my fault they got captured and killed. I could have saved them...but I didn't. And now I'm on this island, alone and struggling everyday to survive. 

It may seem that I'm doing just fine physically, but I can feel myself drifting away emotionally, knowing that I will forever be alone. And being alone is not good for a mermaid. A mermaid is supposed to be social and grouped with other people, like dolphins. However, that all changed many years ago, and it will never matter how hard I wish. 

Hey guys! So this is the beginning of the new and improved A Tail and A TARDIS. What do you all think of it so far? Is it better than the first one? Let me now what you think so that way I can keep going. I can't wait to see what you guys think and let me know what you want to see in this story. I would love to hear your amazing ideas.

Love Ya Lots, 


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