Chapter 2

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     I was swimming in the blue, shimmering ocean with my family. We were having a fun time, laughing and playing with each other and the occasional dolphin. Suddenly there was a loud vibration going through the water that was coming from above. My family and  looked up to see a fishing boat, but behind the boat was a net that was coming our way. We all panicked and tried swimming away, but my mom's tail got caught by the net. Soon all of us were in the net and the net was rising up to the surface.

     There was nothing we could do, there was no hope for us until my scales started tearing up the net and I made a big hole for me to swim through. Once I was out I tried getting my family out but I felt myself drifting away slowly into darkness and I couldn't wake up...

     I gasped and shot up off the sand as I woke up from my dream. Wiping my salty tears away, I put my head in my hands and sighed. "It was just a dream Melissa. No need to worry and get worked up. This happened years ago, so why am I dreaming about this now?" I said to myself in hopes that the answer will come. But as always when I have a dream like doesn't.

     I just sighed and looked up to see that it was almost night. Have I been asleep for that long? I quickly got up and dusted off the sand on me and walked into my hut. When I walked in I sat down on my bed and thought. Do I really want to go back to sleep? What if my dream comes back? I really don't want to relive that memory. But I might as well since I'll be exhausted in the morning if I don't sleep, and I have too much to do to sleep in late. Once I was satisfied with my decision I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome me once again. After waiting five minutes I felt myself drifting way from reality and into a world of sleep.

--Meanwhile deep in space--

     Far from Earth there was there was an open field of unseen and unexplored space, waiting for someone to stumble upon it and marvel at the beautiful sight of the different stars, planets, galaxies, and much more. But there is this one person who travels through this space and right now he is flying his TARDIS. Well...more like crashing it. The TARDIS was flying uncontrollably through time and space and the Doctor was trying to get his ship under control.

     "Come on, come on! What's up with you girl?!" The Doctor said as he ran around the consol of the TARDIS many times to press random buttons and pull random levers in hopes that it will help get his ship under control. In  response to the Doctor the TARDIS just kept shaking violently as it traveled all across space to the Solar System. The Doctor ran to his screen and made a confused look. "The Solar System? Earth?! Why in Gallifrey are we going there?!"

     The TARDIS said nothing and kept on course to the planet that both she and the Doctor have gone to one too many times. The Doctor ran a hand through his messy, spiked up, brown hair in frustration, wondering why his ship was acting up like this again. Suddenly the TARDIS landed with a thud and a big shake, making the Doctor fall back on the crated ground. It was then still from there, not a vibration or sound was present except for the sound of the Doctor grunting and groaning as he got up. After shaking and dusting himself off, he ran to the TARDIS doors to put on his tan trench coat. Once it was on he said to his ship, "Where have you taken me this time old girl?" The big ship just hummed in response and the Doctor sighed before opening the doors to reveal a big jungle in front of him. Nothing else in front of him but trees and dirt.

     The Doctor slumped a little and sighed again. "'s gonna be one of those trips."

A Tail and A TARDIS (Doctor Who/Tenth Doctor fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now