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Hope you all enjoy the little one-shots. I think my personal favourite in this section is Piano Man. I just remember reading something about Jennifer saying the coco's were going to or wanted to learn piano. Seriously love this coupling even if it's only ever going to exist in fanfic land.

I'm Scared

Jennifer shook her head as she gazed at her watch waiting for the moments to tick by. How could she be so stupid, how could he! Waiting for another ten seconds she turned over the plastic stick and gaped as two clear red lines confirmed her suspicions. She'd always stated she wanted more children but this wasn't how she'd planned it. A drunken fumble with her co-judge who was still married! Not that she and Harry had the most straight-forward of work relationships. At times there was more to the playful flirtations and well that night when Keith had flown back to do a tour date, Harry had found her tearful thinking of how it was the anniversary of when she had gotten engaged to Marc. Marc, another in the long list of men she'd loved and lost.

"Jen, you're beautiful and well you're driven and strong-willed. Sometimes guys are scared of that. Scared that they can't satisfy this amazing woman." He ventured as he rubbed her back in comforting circles. "Bu...but I don't want to be...be on my own. I wa...want someone to love me." Jennifer hiccuped through her sobs.

"Oh Jen. You are loved, so much." Harry said softly his voice rather like the one he'd use if Georgia or Sarah came home after a break-up. "Your babies love you, your family and friends, your fans adore you and well Keith, Ryan and me, we love you too." He said as Jen mustered a teary smile.

"You do?" She whispered as Harry nodded and gently kissed the corner of her mouth.

"Of course I do, who couldn't love you." He said as he felt her hand slide to the nape of his neck. "Jenny!" He said warningly as she clung to him her fingers raking through his brown hair.

Her brown eyes blinked as she barely remembered what had happened for them to awaken the next morning tangled in sheets, their bodies spooned up against one another as the early sun beams glistened through the window. She had gotten up and dressed hurriedly slipping out of Harry's room before he woke up. They hadn't spoken of the incident since but now, now she'd have to.

Jennifer the Dentist

"I'm serious if my dentist looked like that I'd be snapping up as many boxes of Oreo's as I could get. Man." Harry quipped as Jennifer played with her hair, her cheeks turning slightly pink as he teased her. She couldn't deny she did miss Steven and Randy achingly so but Harry and Keith, it was so much fun. Keith was like herself so emotionally invested in the music and Harry, well Harry was many different things. He was kind of like Simon in he was direct and critical at times but he was so knowledgeable about his craft and funny to the point she'd stopped trying to have a drink when he was about to speak as she strongly suspected he'd make her splutter it everywhere. "You ever fancy dentistry?" He asked as Jennifer shook her head.

"No, I did think about law though."

"Hmm could have been a winner, reckon those juries would eat anything you told them right up. Plus well even if you didn't win the case you'd make plenty of guilty men happy if you were there speaking up for them." Harry ventured as Jennifer giggled.

"Think the robes might have been a little covered up for Jen." Ryan said from the side as Keith chuckled whilst Jennifer feigned a look of insult though she winked at Ryan to let him know she wasn't offended. "Can you imagine, you rock up to High Court and this one's stood there with her hair in a loose bun and sky-scraper heels amongst all the old blokes." Harry said as Keith nodded.

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