By the Look in Someone's Eye

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William turned completely pale, ghost white as he looked at all the other reapers. "I...I can't believe this.." He whispered before burying his face into his hands.
"I have no idea." Mumbled the teen before sighing.

"I don't have the slightest clue, either." Nathaniel chimed in, a soft frown also upon his face.
"I have an idea." Alva chimes, sitting himself down on the rug so that he can lean against the couch, "Say.. if someone wanted William-senpai's place. If he was emotionally incapacitated, then it would be a lot easier to take over, yes? Depending on how much William-senpai was effected, they could create 'slip ups' and get him voted out of position by the Council." He glances up at William junior. "Don't you think that's possible, Mr. Spears?"

"It could also be something like Mr. Spears getting in the way of getting closer to William-senpai." Alva continues, "Because everyone, including me, knows that William-senpai stopped being close to people once he started being a parent. They could want to get close to him, and see his son as a threat to that. Or-"
"Or~~~ some one made a mistake and really this is all a hug misunderstanding!" William Junior laughed a bit nervously, looking around at everyone to see if they thought the same—obviously not.
He sighed. " does make sense someone wanting dad's job.." The boy mumbled with another sigh.
"Who do you think it could be..?"

"Grell..?" The blonde chimed in, had always seen how he was always so attached to William.

"I'd never!!!" Was what filled everyone's ears, the familiar femalish voice seeming to echo through the house.
"I wouldn't dare do that or any of the William's." Grell glared at the blonde, Nathaniel simply rolling his eyes, looking the other way as he moved from Junior, joining him on the couch to his left.

"How long have you been here?" William Jr. asked, blinking.
"Long enough to hear about the elephants, that's for sure." The male couldn't help but chuckle before walking over to junior, ruffling his hair slightly.
"Elephants." Ronald's brows furrow. "What elephants?" What was Grell even doing here? He hadn't been invited, Ronald is certain. What kind of disrespect was that even? He glances over to William senior, whose eyebrow is twitching.

"William-senpai." Alva stands up, taking the elder William's hand quietly. "Why don't we fix everyone something to eat while they talk?" His soft accent takes on a melodic tone. "That way, everyone can explain what's going on to Mr. Sutcliff over food."
"Hush, Ronald. I imagine he is here because like you, he cares about my well being."

"Yeah!" The redhead smarted off behind him, William shooting a glare at Grell, one similar to his father's. "Did I ask for an echo?" The boy sighed only to shut his eyes, shaking his head softly.
"Either way, I do not think that it's your job to point out who should and should not be in my home." He said lowly, not a single bit of emotion was kinda scary.
With that, Grell decided he would be quiet and lean against the wall, looking the other way.

Ronald downright frowns. "Fine then; I'll go help William-senpai and Alva in the kitchen." He marches out of the room, leaving the William junior, Grell, and Nathaniel by themselves.

"Mr. Knox," He's greeted by Alva, who is slicing ingredients with a sharp knife. The olive eyed shinigami is chatting amiably with William senior, and William isn't wearing his customary look of neutrality. Instead the supervisor's features are somewhat softened.

"You can dice these," William senior says, handing Ronald a couple of vegetables.
About 30 minutes later, the meal had been cooked.
"I'm assuming we are eating in here." William Jr. stated, sitting back against the couch.
Nathaniel had made his way into the kitchen, wanting to help pass out the food or at least be a help to something; he wasn't used to sitting idle.
The four reapers begin setting the table, and Alva motions everyone over once preparations are done. Everyone sits in a type of hierarchy, with William senior at the head of the table, and Alva positions himself at the elder reaper's side.

"Perhaps we should address this situation?" William senior speaks quietly.
"Oh yeah! Where I can't hear you!" The jr. yelled from the living room, mocking the obvious.
"Just someone move me to a chair!" He yelled, honoring Ronald or someone would come to his aide.
But before he could complain anymore, Grell carefully scooped him up like his next scoop of ice cream.

Carefully, he sat Will Jr. down on the chair, which had a couple of pillows placed against and on top of it. "Okay, now we can begin." The son said with a sigh of relief, everyone in their assigned seats.

"It has to be someone who could get to the medicine without question.." Nathaniel started off.
"Medical field, or someone who is close to someone in the medical division." Alva agrees, sitting up properly in his seat. "We should look through the ranks. Who has ambition to take William-senpai's position?"

"We can cross off Alan and Eric," William senior supplies, and Ronald hums his agreement.

"Neither of them have the guts to pull something like this off anyway." The blond adds.
"Maybe we should be looking at someone who has already held Dad's position before? Maybe they want their job back? They would know medical pretty well, wouldn't they?" William Jr. asked, looking around at everyone.

Nathaniel had pen and paper, writing down possible names, crossing them off here and there as if they were tallies in his head.
"Isn't the last person who help the position dead, though?" Alva asks, bringing a delicate finger to his chin. Alva glances over Nathaniel's shoulder. "Hey, what about me?" He teases, pointing to himself with a small smile. "I'm the the medical field; shouldn't I be on the list too?"

William senior rolls his eyes. "Everyone knows you're just like Tobias, Alva. You couldn't even bear reaping souls; that's why you're in the medical division."

William stayed quiet, feeling like a fool for even speaking—that's probably why he was left in the living room in the first place.
He slowly ate his food, breathing deeply as he listened.

Nathaniel glanced at Alva, then at William before closing his eyes, his pen placed on the table now.
"Actually, you can tell a lot by the look in someone's eye.." He spoke before turning his head, looking dead at Alva...smiling.
"But, you aren't on the list because you were accounted for when the moment of truth occurred." The blonde said before looking back at William Sr.

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