Book 1 - Phase 2: The Hunt

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The chilled midnight air hit me hard as I left the comforts of my hut. The Blood Moon shone bright through the canopy casting a low light on the forest floor, every breath I took sent clouds of mist far into the dead of the night. I stood shaking. Not sure if it was due to excitement or to the freezing temperatures surrounding the hut. I closed my eyes and began to really feel the true force of the Blood Moon upon me. It was astounding, I could smell the snow which was due to fall, I could hear the heartbeat of an animal beyond the trees, and my sight! A winters night had never look so vivid. Every detail sprang out to me no matter how far away I was looking and the colours became enhanced to the point where it no longer looked to be midnight. This was truly a time to hunt for a Beastwaker.

ClanLeader Vainok left the hut to stand by my side. "Cold night isn't it Koda, if snow lands upon us the weather will be perfect for The Hunt"
"I agree, I can sense that winter will fall tonight" I replied with a slight whisper to my voice.
"Are you ready? Remember if you fail to take a life tonight you'll be outcast from the Clan, I must also bring up an important matter with you.....but alas now is not the time. I shall tell you after"
"Thanks, that's the last thing I need on my mind right now" I hissed back at him. Before I could finish my sentence Vainok Beastwoke into his wolf form however almost four times the size of any native wolves I had seen, his coat reflected a stunning black especially in a dark night such as now. Whereas his eyes glowed a golden flame showing nothing but passion for the hours ahead. By the end of tonight I too will be able to see my wolf form for the first time, but that involves me taking the soul of another Beastwaker. Its a ritual that every member of my Clan follows, and any that failed this test were cast out into the forest to seek a life for themselves.

Vainok set of at at alarming speeds becoming a black blur in the night, I lurched for my bow, quiver and spear which sat resting by the huts exterior and swung them over my shoulder so that they hung loosely from my body. Then, I too began to run. I ran fast, faster than any human could. It had began to snow and it was settling faster than predicted, this was how I knew the path Vainok had taken, four large paws imprinted on the baby snow almost a metre apart from each other. He was still running. I could read that much. I crashed through the forest startling all birds as I ran sending them high into the air and squawking as they flew, the snow was become thicker and the tracks were becoming more distinct. I can't have been more than a hundred metres away from him but the dense woodland allowed my sight no further than ten.
As I broke out into a clearing I noticed Vainoks tracks were joined by a second that came veering off from the right. These tracks were bigger and judging from the size of it's paws it must have been reaching 3 metres high, then I notice something strange- there were only two paws from this beast shown in the snow, "it runs on it's hind legs" I muttered to myself slightly surprised. But there was no time to give it any thought, I had to catch up with Vainok. As the clearing ended and became forest again the two sets of tracks were atop of each other. One was chasing the other....but who, if Vainok was chasing: then this 'thing' would be dead already but if Vainok was being chased, well he would have left me some sort of signal. Some markings in a tree or even a howl.

I stopped and listened.


No noise.

Then suddenly the forest erupted with sound as a howl of pain assaulted my ears, followed by a second, but the second howl was deeper - more like a roar. Once again I shot through the forest following the tracks as I went. A surge of panic waved through my body as I reviewed all the possible situations Vainok could be in. It was at that moment I broke out of the forest to find myself stood at the top of a cliff, a frozen wind hit my skin and -although refreshing- let me know how numb my hands and face were. Double bent I tried to catch my breath. At the bottom of the cliff was marshland and stood at the base of the cliff were two figures. The first I recognised but the second....... A Werewolf

Vainok was back hard against the cliff face, now in human form he held a dagger in his right hand -his left hung limp by his side, blood pouring from a newly made wound staining the snow below- the Werewolf towered over him clawing at his face whilst Vainok helplessly tried to defend himself, more and more blood was cast onto the snow, then in a last attempt for survival Vainok Beastwoke into his wolf form and ran between the Werewolfs legs and away from the cliff deep into the marshland. The Werewolf span around and made chase on Vainok cutting the distance between them with every passing second. Panic surged through and instinct made me reach for my spear. Weapon in hand I tried to judge the distance from me to the beast "hundred or so metres away" I said aloud. On a normal day there would be no way I could throw that distance but the Blood Moon gave me confidence, I stepped back, pulled the spear behind me then lunged and threw. The speed at which the pole-arm left me was unstoppable piercing the very air it passed.

The Werewolf was inches away from Vainok and as it jumped to tackle him to the ground a spear passed straight through the beast leaving a gaping hole in it's left shoulder. It tumbled to the ground as it howled with pain then it lay still.

I scrambled down the cliff almost falling to my demise on several occasions and once back safe on the ground I ran as fast as I could, pass the now lifeless Werewolf and to Vainok who lay still in a pool of blood now in human form, a spear sticking out of his back. His eyes opened as I neared him.
"VAINOK" I screamed dropping my quiver and bow then yanking the spear out of his back whilst pulling him into my chest "Vainok, please I.... I didn't mean to I ju-" he silenced me with a hush, then spoke "Remember before we left..... I told you I needed to tell you something.....well I thought I would tell you on your summoning  ritual but since....." He coughed up blood and let it run off his chin "But since I don't think I'll make it back to see you pass ill tell you now......." My hands were covered in blood by this point making it hard to hold into Vainoks wet body "You understand you can only become a Lycan if you are born one"
"Yeah...." I replied with a shake to my voice
"Well ..... You see....." His eyes began to roll back in his head as his eyes shut.
"Vainok! Vainok! Don't do this to me! Tell me......" I sat still holding his body, tears streaming down my face. Then a sudden anger ran through me as I got up and headed towards the dead body of the Werewolf, spear in hand, fists clenched. Then I paused, and looked around the snow-ridden marshlands, then I look again. Where had it gone? Where was it? A blood stain was there but no body. "It still lives" I said with tear filled eyes "I will hunt you Beast.....and I will gain my revenge."

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