Book 1 - Phase 8: Return of the Lycan

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The celebration continued long into the early hours of the morning, it was only when the sun began to rise that I realise what time it was. This was perfect, I was now Clanleader of my tribe and finally had a home to go back to. I knew I wanted to spend my life with Amy, I loved her and I'm sure she loved me too, she could become my mate and we could rule our tribe for years to come. Amy's leg had healed, quicker than any of us expected allowing us to leave at this particular time. Life was going great. But as Elder Ranshii had told us "if you go up, you have to come down."

A mule had been prepared for the long trip back and had been packed with rich garments for us to wear. Me and Amy saddled up, but before we could wave goodbye to the Urcai Clan and set off into the snowy tundra I felt a tug a my robe, looking down I was Elder Ranshii hobbling along side me "Allow me to walk the snow plains with you, for I have so something important to tell you both."
"Of course" I said instantly jumping off my house and offering it to the elder.
"No please mount again, the walk will do me good I've not left the village in weeks" she said as I hesitantly climbed back on. We began to walk into the snow tundra and towards the rocks in the distance.
"What is it you wished to tell us" Amy said to her.
"Ahh yes it's funny you should ask that as it's directed mainly towards you." Ranshii replied
"Go on" I said nervously
"Well" Ranshii continued "As you both know I looked after Amy whilst her leg was healing, I did multiple tests and spirit talks with her to find out her current state she was in when unconscious. Well I found out two rather important facts from the spirits... Amy?" Elder Ranshii asked
"Yes?" Amy replied...
"You're baring a child within you"
"WHAT!" She shouted losing control of the steed and almost falling off.
"And I think you know who the farther is don't you" Ranshii continued
"Yes" said Amy "Its Koda." She spoke whilst shooting me a look.
"And what's the second fact?" I said struggling to get my words out
"The other one you will find out soon enough but I am not one to tell you it"
And with that Elder Ranshii smiled and headed back to the village.
"Well then" I said "A baby...."
"Yeah" Amy mumbled awkwardly. We looked at each other and burst out laughing for a good five minutes, we traveled till the sun sat high in the sky before stopping to eat lunch, by this time we were traveling through dense woods and the snow had all but stayed. I hopped off my horse and bridal carried Amy off hers too. I then proceeded to lay down my cloak as a blanket for her to sit on, Amy got out the food that was given to us by the Urcai and we began to eat.
"So, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet" I said
"No, but we don't need to, let's think of a name for if it's male and a name for if it's female."
"Now!?" I said slightly shocked
"Yeah, why not. We might as well be prepared." I paused for a moment to think
"How about Vainok? I mean it's the least I can do to honour him"
"Vainok? Yeah I like it, and what if it's a girl?" Amy asked
"If it's a girl we call it..." once again I paused to think "If it's a girl we call it Ranshii, without her you'd be dead for sure"
"Okay, hi there Vainok or Ranshii, see you soon" Amy said tapping her belly and giggling.
"I love you Amy" I said as I leaned in to kiss her
"I love you too" she replied as she took it."

Amy rode slightly ahead of me as we set of once again, the forest was oddly silent for being midday. The sun had now hidden behind the thick of the canopy and the temperatures were beginning to drop drastically. "It's getting a bit cold isn't it" Amy wheezed
"I know. Hold on, take my cloak it should keep you warm" I said as I rode up next to her and slung it over her shoulders
"Thank you" she said, icy mist leaving her mouth at every word. The atmosphere was becoming macabre now, we started passing carcasses of deer torn open with guts spread around the vicinity most likely by some silent predator stalking the woods. Amy turned to me. "Koda I'm getting scared, can we find somewhere to rest for today?"
I sat thinking for a moment, it was true that it didn't feel safe but I wanted to get back to the Northern Lyci Clan as soon as possible, I sighed "Okay fine" I said. The next cave we pass we will take rest for today."
"Thank you Koda. I just don't like it out here"
We continued to ride for another hour -still not finding anything of interest- The ground had now become swamp-like and the horses were struggling to walk through the thick sludge, the trees were becoming twisted, interlocking with each other and thorns sticking out of every branch. Then out of nowhere the trees parted and we were met with a small lake and a waterfall cascading down from a cliff above, embedded in the cliff face was a small cave and better yet it sat directly behind the waterfall which let me know no animals would live in a cavern so surrounded by water. The lake itself was bubbling from volcanic activity and was probably heated from a water source deep underground.

Amy screamed with excitement but it was quickly drowned out by the roar of the waterfall, she leaped off her horse and ran for the small lake, on her way she began to strip, each few steps an article of clothing would fall lightly to the ground until her nude body was submerged by the water. Only her head stayed bobbing above. "You gonna join me" she said as she waded deeper into the lake
"I'm alright for now thanks, I think I'll just put my feet in the water" I replied dismounting my steed and saddling up the horses against a tree.
"Fine but it's your loss, the water is so warm" she said giggling to herself
"Give me five minutes" I said under my breath. Amy now stood so the water level was at her stomach, her back faced me almost teasing me to come in and turn her around, I noticed an injury I hasn't seen on her before -admittedly I had never seen her torso in daylight but I was surprised I'd never caught a glimpse of it- On her left shoulder blade was a circular scar about the size of an fist, the healing was poor and looked as if at one point I could have been a life threatening injury. I shouted out to Amy inquiring about the injury
"What this?" She said pointing to her back whilst still facing away from me "I have one on the front of me in the same place, but you'll have to come in to see that one" curiosity got the better of me as I took my garbs off and waded in after her. As I neared her she spun around and pulled my body in close to hers and pressed her forehead against mine "Now you have to promise not to stare okay? It's rude to stare" she said teasingly
"I won't stare I promise" I said whilst cupping her face in my hands and kissing her.
"Okay good you've made a promise so keep it" she said stepping back letting me take in her upper body. I resisted the urge to look at her torso admiringly and instead focused on the scar, it was true, there was a scar in the exact same spot of her body only on the front. As if something sharp had passed through her. I didn't have much time to think about it before Amy took my hand and placed it on her breast, I looked at her and smiled. I didn't need telling twice. I pulled her in and kissed her whilst slowly moving my hands down her body and under the water.

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