Book 1 - Phase 9: Revenge

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The back of the cave was about ten metres in depth. I'd Beastwoken into wolf form and Amy was snuggled up close next to me, she was asleep and a gentle whistle could be heard every time she breathed out. The only other sound was the waterfall crashing into the lake outside but that had become rather soothing to the ear. The cave smelt dank and moss dotted the entrance to the shelter. It was dark out, with only the silver light being cast on the cave floor by the moon used for visibility. It was still relatively early into the night but I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep, something felt different. I stood up slowly -trying not to wake Amy in the process- and left the cave. Clouds were a common sight in the sky tonight blocking off sight on most stars, occasionally the moon would find a gap and reveal itself but was quickly engulfed by the sky giants once again. That was when I noticed the moon, it was full, the last time the moon showed it's full circle was the night I killed Vainok. My mind wandered back to those fatal few hours and how I'd sworn to kill the Werewolf no matter what. Dealing with the commotion of Amy and the Urcai Clan I had forgotten my oath to hunt down and kill the Beastwaker. I paused, my fists clenched, angry at myself for not completing an oath I had made, an oath over blood. Suddenly my eyes began to widen as an idea pushed it's way into my skull, it was a full moon! True it wasn't midnight yet so the Werewolf wouldn't have Beastwoke but it would be soon, and when it does id hunt it down and slay it. This was perfect I had one night to claim my satisfaction. One night to claim my revenge.

I was humanoid as I walked back into the cave, Amy was still sleep as I bent down to pick up my bow and spear. She murmured something and became restless but a quick kiss on the cheek soothed her once again. I walked to the mouth of the cave and looked back on the wanderer "Incase I don't come back tonight Amy, I love you so, so much." And with that I left the cave. The moon was significantly higher in the sky but I was sure it wasn't midnight yet, I hadn't really thought my plan out from here, pausing for thought I guessed the best thing to do would be to howl at midnight and wait for a response. I drew my bow and fired shots into a near by trunk heating a satisfying  'dunk' as it sank into the oaks bark. I walked over to collect my arrows and repeated again trying to kill as much time till midnight.

The moon was now directly above me carving it's shape through the whisp-like clouds creating an eerie atmosphere that send shivers through me. I Beastwoke into wolf then took a deep breath and howled....birds startled in the trees and took flight. But nothing else. I look around my environment, searching for higher ground. Shooting out about the canopy was a rock formation resembling a spire, I ran over to it and began to climb, occasionally leaping to the side to avoid falling rocks from above. As I pulled myself over the edge and stood up the wind almost knocked me back down to what would have been my death, the air smelt fresh up here and as my eyes adjusted i could see for miles around, i even thought i could see the Urcai clan in the snowy distance. I scoured the horizon looking for any movement or commotion, I knew the chances of finding it were slim but I had to try, I howled into the wind but it was whisked away by the winds own howl. From this vantage point I had a clear line of sight to the waterfall and cave, even if it was almost a mile away. A howled but this time it resenated throughout the land, silence once again. Then my ears pricked as deep howl came back, but not mine, a sound I had heard before. It was the sounds of the werewolf, excitement rushed my body as I knew this was my chance to hunt it down, I howled once more and, as predicted a howl came back. But this time closer
I realised it was coming near the cave that Amy was at, panic rushed through me as I scrambled down the spire and through the forest towards the shelter, as it came into view a familiar smell lingered in the air around the mouth of the cave I knew what I was instantly. I ran into the cave to make sure Amy was okay, yet on a pile of straw at the end of the cave was... A pool of blood.
I hated myself for leaving her alone, I punched the cave wall repeatedly until my knuckles bared bone. My wrist quivered from the pain but the anger still resided within me, I Beastwoke into wolf trying to smell out her scent, yet all I could get was the musky scent of the werewolf. I followed it out of the cave and down a heavily wooded slope it I came out at a stagnant lake, I followed the smell right up to the bank. Flies hovered around the surface and I noticed the occasional bone on the lake bed. 'Was this the home of the werewolf?' I thought to myself. The atmosphere made me uneasy, there seemed to be a lack of any life in this small crater. The fog had also lowered it's self no higher than three metres above me. Suddenly I heard the sound of a twig snapping behind me and there in the darkness behind fog and trees were two amber eyes staring right at me. I froze, without a doubt I knew this was the werewolf, but the eyes were particularly haunting. I almost felt like I recognised them.
Then it pounced out from the trees and landed on me digging it's claws into my back, I tried to worn my way out from it's immense weight, but I was useless, it went to sink it's teeth into my neck but I Beastwoke into human and rolled out from underneath it. I drew my spear and pointed it at the monster. "I can't wait to take your life you demon!" I screamed as I charged at it spear head down. At the last second I plunged the spear into the ground sending me into the air and over the werewolf, as I came over it I drew an arrow and shoved it into the back of the beast then landed nearly on the other side. It roared with pain, span around and ran at me once again. This time I lept to the left and with bow in hand fired an arrow at it's neck. The tip sank deep into it's flesh as it landed in a heap in the water. I began to laugh, shocked at how easy this was. "You know, I really am disappointed with how easy this all is I was expecting a real challenge from you." I said as I walked towards it's body. When I came within inches of it the monster sprang up and ran into the woods, "no way you're escaping death twice" I yelled as I followed it into the brush.

I'd Beastwoke back into wolf form as smell has now become to predominant sense for tracking it. I followed it through dense woodland until it opened up into a clearing. The scent had stopped, it was somewhere in this clearing. I Beastwoke into human and drew my spear. My eyes darted around the tree line looking for movement. "What have you done with Amy" I shouted out into the void. Dead silence was all that replied. Suddenly I span around to see the werewolf mid-leap from a tree above. It was about to land on me. Claws raised and sharp. Teeth baring and eyes locked on me. Time felt slowed for these few moments and I was almost able to take in my surroundings. Instinct raised my spear to meet with it's chest and I looked away I'm fear....

Then, slowly, I turned to look at the beast hanging limp at the end of my weapon. But to what I found made my stomach turn. Hanging loose at the tip of my spear with a scar on the shoulder and an arrow sticking out of its back was a body. It slid down my spear until I was face to face with it.

Face to face with Amy.

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