Always Smiling

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Smile! They say as the world seems to crumble around me. As the stress of life piles all around, just smile because when you fake it you'll "forget your troubles". Although I feel the world falling beneath me, when I go anywhere but home, I smile maybe it's my body's telling me I care more about my friends opinions than my own family's. My mind exploding in tears but my body staying strong. Why can't I just show them how I really feel inside, exploding in tears or screaming from anger. I suppose, as life gets harder my entire being keeps a lock held so tight on my emotions until I finally burst. Screaming out loud trying to break free from the chains that surround me trying to see a way, up over the mountain of pain that stands in my path. As if it really matters if I'm upset, as if it really matters how I feel. The world keeps telling me to keep it all in like I'm stuck in the 50s while my mind tries to break free from the emotional turmoil my head is in. Its a never ending cycle of the anxious  thoughts surrounding me telling me what to think, telling me how to be. Life has never handed me lemons, so why should I even be trying to make lemonade, to change my feelings to show who I am, to keep from exploding so big, that I can't even recognize the person I am until I'm picking the pieces back up again.

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