Chapter 2 - Love Drunk

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A/N: Sorry this chapter’s so much talking :P It’s called Love Drunk, after the Boys like Girls song. I love that band so much! Please, read, comment, fan, vote.

Chapter 2 – Love Drunk

I slammed the front door, and threw my bag to the floor. The afternoon hadn’t been much better, and I officially hated school. I don’t know why I went. To be normal, I guess. However, living on my own had its advantages. I could ditch when I wanted, and wouldn’t need my parents to verify the ‘ill’ story. Ahhh, the free life.

I jumped onto my sofa, and turned on my TV. I was so bored. I needed to do something. Glancing out the window, I saw it was still sunny. Shrugging to myself, I slipped into a floral bikini and pulled shorts and a t-shirt on over it. Throwing a blanket and a towel in my bag, I left.

The drive to the beach wasn’t long, and in no time at all, I was lying on the white sand, soaking up the rays.

After half an hour, I looked around. There were some guys not too far away, glancing in this direction. I blushed and went back to sunbathing.

I don’t know why I bothered. No matter how much I lay in the sun, I never went anymore than a golden colour. And even that was lucky for me. Usually, I just got freckles. And damn, I hated freckles.

“Dawn?” a voice shouted out, and I looked towards it.

“Matt!” I said, grinning. He picked me up, and I hugged him back.

“How was school?” he said, sitting with me.

“Shit. I hate it,” I said, scrunching up my nose, “What about you?”

“I ditched today,” he said, shrugging, “So it was fine,”

“You should ditch with me tomorrow,” I say, and he raises an eyebrow.

“Second day and you’re already ditching?” he chuckled, “It must be bad,”

“They all hate me,” I say, shrugging, “No-one even tried to talk to me,”

He smiled sadly, and hugged me, “Poor Dawn,”

“Shut up,” I say, smacking his bare chest lightly, “I don’t want pity,”

He laughed, “That hit was feeble,”

“I know, I wasn’t trying,” I say, rolling my eyes. Although, maybe he didn’t feel it because of his freakin’ six pack!

“Sure, Dawny,” he says, laying down, “Sunbathe with me,”

I lay next to him, “Who’re you here with?”

“My brother and some friends,” he tells me, “My brother’s a bit of a douche,”



“Hmmm...” I teased, “I like older guys,”

“I’m older!”

“When’s your birthday?” I ask.

“March,” he said, smirking.

“Damn,” I muttered.

“Ha!” he said, smirking.

“Sorry Matt, you’re not my type,” I say, winking.

“That’s alright Dawn, I don’t like you like that either,” he said, laughing, “Just friends,”

After a few hours, I pulled my clothes back on.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Matt asked me as I stood.

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