Chapter Three - Run

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A/N; Hey y’all! How are you guys today? I’m not in such a good mood, but writing helps I guess :( here’s the next chapter, don’t forget to comment, fan, vote and ENJOY! This cahpter’s named after Snow Patrol’s awesome song Run.

Oh god. Oh god. My head. Oh god. Oh. My. God.

Opening my eyes, I quickly decided to shut them again. It made it worse. Oh god.

“Dawn?” a voice said quietly, and I stopped breathing. What the hell happened last night? All I remembered was being in a car with Sean. Oh crap, what if I slept with him? I don’t know if I could face him again.

I cracked one eye open and saw his face. He was shirtless. This was not going the way I wanted. I managed to look down at myself. I was wearing one of his shirts, but I think I had my underwear on. Still... I would never forgive myself if-

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Did I- we, um, did we-” I broke off, not knowing how to phrase it. But by the black look on his face, I knew I was going to have to bite the bullet, “Did we have sex last night?”

The confusion washed from his face, “No, no we didn’t. I would never take advantage of you in that state,”

Letting out a shaky breath, I nodded.

“Thank you,” I say, smiling at him, and he smiled back, “So what happened?”

“You fell asleep in my car; I tried to carry you in. You woke up and screamed blue murder. I put you down, and you calmed down. I took you up here, gave you my shirt, you changed and asked me not to leave you. You talked about a load of shit, and fell asleep,”

I froze, “What kind of shit,”

“Just stuff about not knowing who you were,” he said, chuckling, “You were so drunk,”

I relaxed slightly; at least I didn’t tell him anything serious.

“We should get up,” he whispered, and I groaned.

“I’m ill,” I protested

“Hungover,” he corrected, “Totally your own fault,”

“Nuh-uh,” I say, shaking my head, “Matt was drinking,”


“I wasn’t going to be the only sober one!”

“I was sober,” he told me.

“You were?” that did surprise me. Sean didn’t strike me as a sober person.

“Uh-huh,” he told me, and I felt his arm slip around my waist.

“Next time, we’ll both be drunk,” I promise him. He laughs.

“Who says I’m letting you drink again?”

“Who says you get a choice?” I ask, raising my eyebrow. He smirked.

“Well, considering I’ve taken an interest in you, I would,”

What?!” I screech, and he grimaces.

“I’ve taken an interest in you,”

“And what does that mean?”

“You’re off limits,” he says simply.

“Excuse me?” I ask, outraged, “Who the hell do you think you are?”

“Honey, I’m Sean Williams,” he says, smirking.

I push his arm off me, and stand up out of the bed. Ignoring the way the world spun, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door.

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