Chapter 4 - What A Wonderful World

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A/N; Just so you know, I’m sorry it took so long to upload. This chapter’s called ‘What a wonderful world’, by Louis Armstrong. Hope you enjoy it!

I fixed my makeup, pulling on the black beanie hat I’d bought. Matt had left five minutes ago, and I was determined to show Sean he didn’t own me.

Glancing at my reflection, I knew I looked good. It’s not something I’ll admit often, but the grey skinny jeans hugged my legs, the white tunic top flattered my bust. I pulled on some black pumps I’d never planned on wearing, and straightened my hair.

Picking up the camera I owned, I left my house and took Oli to the nearest park. I used to love photography, but I’d never had the time to take it up again. The lighting was perfect for pictures today, and I thanked God.

I got millions of pictures. Dogs, leaves and even some rabbits. I was sitting on a bench, enjoying the view, when someone dropped next to me.

“Hi,” he said. I quickly took him in. Slightly older than me, six foot at least, dark brown eyes and long-ish brown hair. He had muscles, though not as many as Sean... damn it! Don’t think about him! He wore a plain white shirt and black jeans, with black converse. He was a looker, that was for sure.

“Hey,” I say, smiling, “I’m Dawn,”

“Kevin,” he tells me, offering a hand, which I shake, “What’s a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?”

I shrugged, “No-one to hang with,”

“Awww, I find that hard to believe. Your boyfriend must follow you everywhere,” he said, winking.

“Nope. No boyfriend,” I say, shaking my head.

“Huh... has the world gone mad? Well... if you’re single... want to hang out with me?” he asks, smiling.

“Sure,” I say, grinning.

“You hungry?” he asks, and I nod, “Let’s go eat!”

I laugh and follow him.

“So how come you’ve not got a group of boys after you?” he asks.

“I’m not that great, besides I just moved here,” I tell him. He nods, and leads me into a small cafe.

“Joey!” he shouts through to the back, “Two specials, table five!”

“You know him?”

“He’s my cousin,” he tells me, smiling. We sit at a table window, and talk about trivial things until the food comes.

“Here we go, one for the douche, and one for the pretty lady,” a guy says. He looks like Kevin, only older and with black hair.

“Thanks,” I say, smiling. Joey winked at Kevin and walked back to the kitchen.

“So when did you move here?” he asks.

“Only a few days ago... needed a change of scenery,” I tell him, eating the lovely bacon.

“You go to school?”

“Unfortunately,” I say, making a face, “I’m ditching today, though,”

He nodded, smiling, “So you’re bad... I like it,”

Blushing, I laughed. It was so easy being with him, he made me laugh. And he didn’t act like an arrogant prick all the time.

“What about you?”

“I’ve been here all my life,” he says, “Born here, grew up here, probably gonna die here,” he told me, shrugging, “I like this place,”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2011 ⏰

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