Chapter 5

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Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn: the worlds richest men. And they just so happen to be my childhood friends. 

The scary part is, I'm meeting up with them tonight. Talk about nerves. I mean they're rich as fuck and I haven't talked to them in over 7 years. But I miss them a ton.

We all grew up in an old town by the water. It was beautiful there. We all met at primary school and became best of friends. We just clicked. Niall was the giggly happy one, Liam was the mom, Louis was the funny one, and Zayn was mysterious. I guess you could say I was the flirt. They were my only true friends.

When I was younger, my parents were very distance because they worked 24/7 so the boys were like my family. My past is pretty fucked up, but that's a different story.

Whatever happened in the past split me from the boys. Yeah it was my fault, but they forgave me. Apparently they stayed best friends without me because now they all own one of the best companies in the world: One Direction Inc. (A/N Lol yeah I know don't judge)

Meeting up with them wasn't my decision nor there's. It was my boss's. No not my boss at the bakery, but my boss boss. It's hard to explain but let's just say whatever happened in the past lead me to my boss.

He took me in and took care of me. It was my parents who actually through me on the streets, so he's basically been my father my whole life. He told me when I was younger that I would have to repay him; whatever that meant.

Now I understand what he meant. And I'm fucking scared out of my mind.

I look at my watch and it's already 6:00. Shit I'm going to be late. I slowly make my way to my bed room. My apartment in my opinion is just the right size. It's small, but it's not like I have any company. Besides my one night stands of course. Someday I hope to bring my angel here. I would love to take her very virginity on my very bed. But when I know she's ready it will happen.

Quickly, I throw on my coat and make my way towards my old pick up. Yeah yeah, maybe my childhood friends have way nicer cars then me, but this truck was my fathers and it means a lot to me. And I would much rather have this truck then a Cadillac believe it or not. 

I arrive at the tavern where I will be meeting my friends. Probably not their standards of a bar but it will just have to do. Besides, I called them to this meeting under my own free will. 

Normally this bar is pretty empty but for some reason it's packed tonight. There are middle aged men everywhere getting drunk and having a good time, just throwing there lives away. But I honestly shouldn't be judging, I went through a drinking problem too.

As I walk into the bar, I immediately spot my friends. There looked just like they used too, except grown up of course. But Niall has blonde hair? Well it's a good look for him. They all lock eyes with me and I feel like I'm shrinking towards the ground. They're so much more intimidating. Just keep your cool and act confident. 

"We hello Lad! Good to see you again!" Louis yells over the bustle of the bar. They all start coming towards me to give me hugs and hand shakes. God I missed them. 

"How are you guys?" I ask them. They look at each other.

"We've been fine Harry but we really want to know how you've been," Liam says with a serious expression. I immediately knows what he means, he's referring to the past. They probably thought I went to jail or a mental hospital.

"I've been great! Yeah just living in my old apartment down the rode. Working at a bakery and such." They all nod giving me a sad look.

"We were worried when you contacted us Harry. We thought something was wrong," Zayn chirped in. Something is wrong but I can't do shit about it. I gave them a reassuring smile.

"Everything is fine! Can't I just enjoy a drink with my lads!" I motion of the bartender to pass us a round of shots and he nods. They all still stared at me worriedly. 

"We thought you never wanted to speak to us again," Niall said with a sad face. 

"What are you talking about? You forgave me and moved on and I thank you for that." At this point it's probably noticeable how much I'm sweating. I hate lying to them like this.

"Really?" They all said at once. I nodded. We took our shots and I finally felt somewhat looser. All of the sudden my phone vibrates in my pocket.

"If you will excuse me I have to take this." They nod and continue having there drinks and sharing a laugh. I know exactly who's calling and I know exactly what he's going to say. I answer the phone without even looking at the caller ID. 

"Simon what do you want?"

"Did you ask them yet?" I groaned.

"Now Simon, I kinda just arrived. It's going to take a couple drinks until I pop the question."

"Well you better do it quick." I scuff lightly. Even though he is my boss, he's annoying as hell.

"You know Simon, you could always just steal the money yourself, not make me do all the dirty work."

"But you actually have a connection with the lads. Get me my money or the bakery and apartment are gone. Alight?"

"Yeah yeah." He hangs up shortly after. I decide to scroll through my phone a bit to wait for the boys to get a little tipsy. I noticed I got a text earlier today that I never read. I went to the text and saw it was from a number I didn't recognize.


- I miss you Daddy

I grow hard under my jeans. Would it be weird to go jerk off in the bathroom to this text? I knew it was my angel. My angel. God I wish she was with me right now. I just want to here her scream my name-

All the sudden a scream booms from the front of the bar. I could recognize that scream anywhere. My angel is here. 

"Dad help!" I hear her call out. I run out as fast as I could and my eyes buldge out of my head when I see what's happening. 

There is 3 middle aged fuckers trying to take my baby girl's clothes off and touch her in places where only I can touch. And her dad is standing there laughing .

Guys I'm such a shit writer this chapter has literally taken me a week to write. Well hard work pays off!

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