Chapter 9

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During school today, it was hard not thinking about my daddy. He really knows how to make me happy. More then any other guy at my high school.

I fucking hate high school boys.

The thought of them makes me gag. They're sweaty and immature, what girl would want to date a high school boy? Maybe that mean I like older guys? Well I like Harry, so yeah I guess I like older guys.

But Harry is my first real crush, or at least my first crush that likes me back. I used to like this guy in middle school but he moved. I'm also not the kind of person to obsess over someone. If they don't like me back, I move on.

I'm just waiting for the last bell. Maybe I'll stop by Harry's apartment today. I made sure to memorize his apartment number and building so I wouldn't have to ask him to come over. 

I've thought about loosing my virginity to Harry. I'm not really sure if I'm ready but I know for sure he's the one I would loose it to. My mom never talked to me about the whole 'sex' thing but I've heard it's great. But it's a pretty big milestone when you loose it. 

My mother was an angel as a teenager. Her dad was the pastor at their church and my mom was miss goodie two shoes. Apparently she met my dad at church. It's hard to believe that my mom married my dad because my dad was a drug addict as a teenager, and he still is. I remember mom telling me that her dad was disappointed in her, but she loved my father. You can't stop your love for someone no matter who tries to end it. 

I feel bad though because I never saw my grandpa because of that reason. He never wanted to talk to mom after she got married. It's really disappointing. I would just hope that I wouldn't let my dad down like that but I don't think he cares. I was never daddy's little girl.

Until I met Harry.

The last bell was so loud it made me jump. Quickly I gathered my things so I could get out of this hell hole as quick as possible. I didn't have many friends at this school. Maybe one or two that I sat with at lunch but I didn't have a best friend. I've actually never had a best friend. Having a best friend is just as big of a deal as having a lover in my opinion. 

There is a tap on my shoulder as I'm exiting the class room. I eternally groan. When I turn around I see a blue eyed boy smiling down at me.

"Hey, I'm Dylan." I smile at him kindly. I'm not the kind of person to be rude. 

"Hi I'm Olivia." 

"You know Olivia, I know you don't think people notice you around here but I do." It's true. I didn't think anyone knew I existed around here. I'm simply invisible. 

"Do you? And how's that?" 

"Well I notice you groan whenever the teacher makes you work with a partner and I notice how frustrated you get when we get homework. I know you don't think you belong and that school is just a waste of time. I get it. But I notice you, and I think you're very beautiful." Again, I gasp. This is only the second time someone has called me beautiful. I've never even seen this person in my life and here he is calling me beautiful. It's actually kinda sweet.

I giggle. "That's very nice Dylan." He smirks.

"I would love to get to know about you better and we can talk more about not belonging. Here's my number," He says slipping me a small piece of paper. I gladly take it and smile before leaving the classroom. 

When I got home, I was actually exited about texting Dylan. Not that I wanted him as a boyfriend or anything like that, he could be a great friend. But I'm pretty sure he wants to be more then friends. 

I'm about to text him when my phone starts buzzing rapidly. I'm not used to this because I never get phone calls. I see that Harry x is calling. I start beaming at my phone. He's calling me! This is the first time I've ever gotten a call from a guy. I happily answer my phone. 

"Hello?" I say.

"Well hello angel." I giggle.

"Why are you calling me silly?" 

"Because I miss you. And I know you're out of school because I saw you walking." 

"Huh stalker much." 

"I was running some errands."

"Then why didn't you pull over and talk to me?"

"Because I'm already in your house." I quickly get off my bed. Shit. He's serious. Is my dad home? God I hope he's not home. 

All of the sudden my door open and Harry rushes over to me. He quickly pushes me against my wall.

"I wanted to wait to do this." He slowly brings his lips to me and pecks me softly. He starts to deepen the kiss, but very slowly. His tongue tries to enter my mouth but I decline. I have to play hard to get don't I?

"Now baby girl, you never decline the tongue. No matter if I want it in your mouth or your pretty pussy." I gasp loudly. I've never heard Harry sound so stern and mad before. 

He picks me up and softly lays me on my bed. It's embarrassing because my bed sheets are flowers. The same bed sheets I've had since 2nd grade.

"Flowers. So innocent," He purrs into my ear. I shiver. "What's this?" I gasp when I see that he has taken a hold of the piece of paper that Dylan gave me today. God I hope Dylan didn't write his name on it . Harry gets off of me and stands up with his hand on his hip. Slowly he begins to unravel the paper. 

"Call me, Dylan xoxo XXX-XXX-XXXX. How convenient." 

"Harry I-"

"You don't need to explain. How long have you been talking to this Dylan?"

"I just met him today. Trust me Harry I've never seen his face in my life." His face contours angrily.

"So this asshole just gave you his number out of the blue and you accepted it? This Dylan guy is just using you!" I start getting mad too. Never in a million years did I think I would stick up for a high school boy. 

"He's not like that! He just wants to get to know me." 

"No Olivia, he just wants to have sex with you. Don't you understand that guys are just trying to use you?" 

"Then why are you using me?!" 

Thoughts on G-Eazy? 

Tbh I love him but my mom would kill me if I tried going to his concert lol. 

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