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Authors Note

I'm happy I am getting a little bit of feedback on this story! If you do read and enjoy the story please vote and leave a comment, it can be on anything really; constructive criticism really does help me out! Also, not sure if I ever brought this up but I am still sick and not able to update as much as I'd like but I will really try my best to bring more chapters soon. Thanks cuties xoxo.   



Stasia's Point of View

He pushed me against the mattress, the springs making a slight noise as my body hit it. The room was filled with our muffled laughs as our lips moved in sync, and all I can really think at this point is how excited I am to be having this experience. I have always thought that guys would never like me, and now there is one.. in my bed! He pulled away, looking me in the eyes and now I was truly able to notice all his beauty at once. 

His green eyes pierced into my skin, making me shiver. His plump, now red tinted lips curved up into a smile, making me melt completely under his touch. I just realized what we were getting to, and I had to warn him about it. "Harry.. I think you should know.. I'm a virgin, and I'm pretty new to this." 

"Pshh. Me too duh." I looked up at him and giggled a bit, my eyes catching a very goofy Harry. "You're very silly, Harry." 

"So I've heard. But I will not force you to do anything. Are you sure you want to do anything today?" I nodded my head slowly, knowing this would now be a very new experience. His hands roamed along my body, then up to my head, tilting it slightly with his fingers as his tongue attached itself to my neck, slowly sucking. I moaned slightly, pulling at his hair a little bit. Before he let go of my neck, he bit it, then finally pulled away from my skin. He blew on the bruise slightly, causing goosebumps to rise all over my arms. "If I startle you or make you uncomfortable, please tell me." I nodded my head slightly, as he shoved his lips onto mine. His tongue slid into my mouth, roaming almost every inch inside. His hips slowly grinded onto my entrance, the friction giving me a feeling I've never felt before. Soon, I felt myself moaning into his mouth, and wanting him more and more. My hands reached up to his face, cupping his cheek and bringing him closer. His hands slowly ran up my thigh, making me want him to go faster and faster. His hand finally reached my clothed entrance, and slowly rubbed it. His teasing was driving me crazy and I didn't know how long I'd be able to take it. He then reached into my underwear, rubbing my entrance, but faster now. I couldn't help but blush because he was actually touching my body now, and it felt so good. "Harry, faster please" I moaned louder and louder, thanking god that my parents weren't home. His fingers obliged as they quickened the pace, then causing me to cum, my high feeling so good. Harry brought his fingers up to his lips, sucking them and smiling. "You taste very good, princess." 

"Thank you daddy." He had a grin that could probably reach from ear to ear, "Wait, did you just call me daddy? For the first time?" I nodded innocently, smiling at him. "That's so hot baby." I got up and went to my night stand, pulling out a piece of gum and handing it to him. "Are you trying to tell me I have bad breath?" 

"No, you just licked my inside juices. I will not kiss you unless your breath is nice and minty." He rolled his eyes and popped it in his mouth, "It's called cum babygirl." 

"I know, I'm not twelve." I said grinning and laying next to him. "Stay the night?" 

"I thought you'd never ask. You know I haven't cuddled with someone in a while so I wouldn't mind doing it tonight. It's much needed." 

He stripped, and I stayed clothed. And then I fell asleep in his arms. Perfect night. 

Saturday, 11:23 AM

I woke up suddenly, my slumber completely shook off me. I tried going back to sleep but the smell of pancakes filled my senses and I couldn't help but wake up. I sat up and Harry was asleep. 

So how am I smelling pancakes? I soon heard two familiar voices laughing downstairs, and I swear i almost had a heart attack in that very moment. "Harry, wake up please." I said quietly as I shook him awake. He woke up slightly, his eyes opening then shutting again, followed by a grumble. "What is it love?" 

"Well change of plans, my parents are here and they cannot and will not know you are here. So, you need to escape my house without them knowing." 

"Stas, are you kidding?" I shook my head fast, grabbing his clothes and laying them next to him. "Look Harry, I think I might have those little foldable ladder things for working out, but maybe you can use it to climb down my window. Plus it's not that far off the ground." 

Once I found my ladder he was fully dressed and looked as perfect as he did yesterday, except with messy hair. "Babe, I've done this before, I'm a pro." He came up to me and kissed me slowly, me not exactly liking it because once again we both don't have fresh breath. ( A.N - I'm a big fresh breath fan so this is actually me in real life.)  "I'll text you right when I get home, maybe we can make some more plans to see each other, cause I'd really like that." And with that, he was off. 

12:00 PM

I had finally showered, and finished trying to cover those hickies off of my neck with as much concealer and foundation I owned. I walked downstairs and saw my parents sitting at the table, and they clearly seemed mad. 

"Happy to see me?" 

"Hello Stasia. Please give us a reason as to why we should be happy to see you?" Ouch.

"Well, it's been almost a year since I've seen you. Calling or video chatting for a mere 4 minutes isn't the same as seeing me in person." 

"Well we have made breakfast and of course, you sleep in. We have been waiting for almost 3 hours." My fears suddenly started to come over me. What if they saw Harry in my room last night? "Why are you guys so strict with me. I was just tired." They both sighed and walked up to me and hugged me, a feeling I haven't felt in a while. "We are sorry, we miss you and just want to spend as much time with you as possible before our next trip." 

"And when's that?" 

"Next week, on tuesday." 

"Great, will you guys even be here for my graduation?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Of course sweetie. But we must make money." I nodded slowly, sitting down at the table as I made my plate. "Well this food looks delicious, so thank you." We ate and talked about almost everything that's been going on. They told me all about their trip and all I did was fake smile and say "Wow! That's awesome" most of the time because I felt neutral about everything. I didn't feel any excitement or anything. 

"Do we have a new neighbor hun?" My dad asked as he flipped through his newspaper. 

"Uh, not that I know of, why?" 

"Well there was a handsome man, walking across our front lawn into a very nice car. He looked very...posh. But he was parked in our driveway so I almost thought you had company over. Or maybe he just parked in the wrong driveway." My mother said laughing a bit while eyeing me. Me and my mother aren't very close, but she wasn't born yesterday. She knows me too well.

"No I didn't, that's very weird." 

"It is Stas. It really is." 

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