Chapter 6 ♡

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Chapter 6 ♡

Sirus ♡

When we came back to school Monday morning all I could think about were her lips.

Diante has been hounding me to find out what happened at the party because he says I seem a little off but I've kept what happened between me and her a secret. I don't want him to ruin this for me. He always finds a way to butt into my business and mess it up somehow.

"There you go again. Spacing out like you've been doing since Saturday." Diante said coming up to my locker.

"I wasn't spacing out I was thinking." I replied back to him before opening my locker and pulling out my books for my next class.

"Bro, what has been going on with you lately? You're keeping a secret from me and we never keep secrets from each other." Diante stated with a upset look on his face.

I sighed feeling bad for not telling him the truth.

"Diante, I'm not keeping a secret from you." I told him looking everywhere but at him.

"You're not making eye contact and that's what you do when you're lying." Diante said smacking his lips and walking away.

Sorry Diante, this ones gonna have to be a secret for a while.

I closed my locker and when I was about to walk away from it I felt a hand on my butt making me jump.

"What the f--" I stopped what I was saying when I turned around to see Desire standing there.

She giggled at my reaction.

"Hey Sirus." She said with a smile on her face.

"Uh hi Desire." I replied back to her scratching my neck nervously.

Here comes that feeling again...

I thought she would just forget about what happened on Saturday or that she wouldn't even bother talking to me at school but I guess I was wrong.

"Are you okay? You look kind of queasy there." Desire asked putting her hand on my forehead.

A huge smile came into my face because of how concerned she looks right now.

"I'm fine, uh how are you?" I questioned her grabbing her hand from off of my forehead.

"I'm good, I actually wanted to talk to you about Saturday." She said looking around to see if anybody's listening to our conversation.

"What about Saturday?" I asked expecting the worst.

She's probably gonna ask me to never kiss her again or she's probably gonna tell me I'm a bad kisser.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a empty hallway.

Without any warning she kissed me.

I was kind of taken back at first so I just stood there but soon after I moved my lips along with hers.

My second time kissing her. ❤️

She wrapped her arms around my neck as my hands began to move lower and lower. I stopped my hands once they were on her lower back.

Once she pulled away I had to stop to breath for a second.

"Wow." I said after catching my breath.

She giggled. "I wanted to tell you that you're an amazing kisser." She said pecking my lips once more.

"Thank y-you." I said stuttering a little and blushing.

I can't believe she just made me blush.

"You're so adorable." She retorted with a smile.

"Um...I have to get to my first block." I told her just now realizing we're late.

"Can you walk me to class?" She asked making her already big brown eyes even bigger.

"Sure." I said walking next to her to her class.

She interlocked our fingers and squeezed my hand.

"You're so sweet." She stated looking up at me.

I feel like this is a dream. The girl of my dreams is finally paying attention to me.

This is too good to be true.

My daydreaming was cut short when we reached her classroom.

I walked her in so she could get into her seat and that's when I noticed Tyrik glaring at me.

"Who the hell are you?" Tyrik blared out making everyone turn to look towards me.

"Tyrik, please don't even start." Desire said waving him off.

"Nah. I see him walking you to to class and shit like he's your new man now or something." Tyrik stated getting out of his chair

Compared to Tyrik I'm small and a lot more skinnier too. Tyrik lifts about three hundred pounds so he could take me down and fast.

"He was just walking me to class so calm down." Desire said rolling her eyes at him.

"You should get to class before you get in even more trouble." Desire said to me before pulling me into a quick hug.

"Okay." I said rubbing her cheek with my hand before leaving the classroom.

I can tell that pissed Tyrik off because when I walked out of the room I heard him arguing with Desire.

I'm one step closer to making her mine...

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Xoxo - Msfanfictional 😍❤️

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