Chapter 11♡

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Chapter 11♡


I rubbed tiny circles into her back as she finally decided to get some sleep.

At the restaurant we discussed a lot of stuff. Learning so much about her made me grow a little closer to her. I learned what she dislikes and what she likes.

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

And to think that just a couple of weeks ago I was dying to speak to her but didn't have enough courage to.

I pulled the covers up on her before gently wrapping my arm around her and laying my head on her back.

I promise I'm gonna treat her right. After everything that she has been through with her mother it's about time someone treats her with respect.

Desire started to move a little and then she turned over so she was facing me.

"Thank you." She whispered with her eyes still closed.

"For what?" I asked her.

Only a person would no heart would leave her outside in the cold.

"For letting me stay here. I don't know how your mom and dad might feel about it but at least I have somewhere to stay for night." She mentioned making me shake my head.

"That's not my dad." I reminded her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about what he does to should really tell someone." She mentioned making me look at her with wide eyes.

"I can't do that or he's gonna kill my ass." I told her making her shake her head.

"If you don't tell someone then you're gonna be dead." She replied back.

"I can't tell anyone." I repeated.

"Whatever, all I know is that he's not putting his hands on you around me." She said sternly.

"I don't need you getting in the way of things." I told her.

"So? What he does isn't right. You need to stand up for yourself!"She snapped.

I nodded my head knowing she's right but I just don't want her getting involved.

"Take off your shirt." She demanded reaching down.

She lifted my shirt and I grabbed it from her hands and lifted it over my head. When my shirt was fully off you could see old scares and scares that I've had for a week or two.

My father hasn't touched me since last week which I'm glad he hasn't been hitting me recently.

Desire's eyes opened wide in shock as she stared at my chest.

"Does it still hurt?" She asked making me shake my head.

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore." I replied back to her.

She gently placed her hand on the scare that went all the way down to my belly button on my chest.

"Why doesn't your mother do anything about this? This isn't okay, this is terrible." She stated as a tear came out of her eye.

I shook my head instantly wiping her tear.

"Calm down, Desire. I'm fine, he hasn't touched me in a week or so." I told her hoping that would calm her down but it didn't.

"So! What if he gets angry or drunk again and comes in here to hit on you? What are you gonna do then just sit here and let him do it?" She questioned me out of anger.

I looked everywhere but at her unable to find words.

"I don't know...." I finally said.

She put her hands around my neck and laid my head down on her chest.

"I feel so bad for you, Sirus." She stated kissing my forehead.

I nodded my head and snuggled close to her.

"You can let it all out." She mentioned.

I didn't even realize I was crying until she said that either.

Tears started falling out of my eyes and fast. It's been a long long time since I've cried and honestly it felt good. I feel like I'm letting go of all of the pain I've suffered.

I cried myself to sleep.


"What's up with you lately?" Diante asked me as I answered my phone.

I had just waken up and I'm feeling pretty groggy right now. My voice is always so deep at this time of the morning.

"What do you mean?" I asked him with my eyebrows scrunched up.

"I haven't spoken to you since Friday at school." He reminded me.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I've just been busy." I told him.

He scoffed like he doesn't believe me.

"Whatever, you're still trying to keep that damn secret aren't you. I thought I was suppose to be your bestfriend?" He asked sounding actually hurt.

Diante acts hard all the time but hearing him like this means he's really upset.

"It's not even like that. I'll tell you when I'm ready." I told him.

"Yeah aight, I see how it is." He said before hanging up the phone on me.

I groaned before throwing my phone on the ground soft enough to not crack.

I felt the bed shift a little bit and Desire wrapped her arm around my chest.

"You know you can tell him about us right?" She asked with a goofy grin on her face.

"You don't know Diante at all. He will go nuts if he finds out we're talking and would practically shout it from on top of a building." I told her making her giggle.

"So? He's your bestfriend. He deserves to know. I don't keep anything from Mya." She mentioned to me.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"You're right." I replied back to her.

"I know I'm right." She said kissing my cheek.


Just a filler btw.👑

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