•The Richenbach Fall: Epilouge•

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A/N: if you didn't read the Prologue, this will be a bit confusing. Carry on c:
Chapter Thirty-One And A Half: It's Quiet Uptown

The city of London was quiet. At least to Aspen. Her and her friend Lucy went from the hospital to a neighboring cafe. Anything at this point to get Aspen to forgive Lucy. The blonde gave her friend the package.
"A man gave this to me before I went inside." She said, leaning back. "He said he knew you, but you didn't know him."
Aspen stared at the creamy-colored, thin package. It gave her harsh memories. No words came to her mind. All was blank. She hadn't spoken since her friend arrived.

"Aspen, I'm sorry. I thought it was best for you. Frankly, I was just scared. This isn't the first time someone dear to me has done this. You were just- so close. I couldn't loose my best friend." She apologized.
Aspen looked up, her blue eyes filled with a different kind of sadness. She felt hollow, dark, and alone. As if there was a bubble around her being, isolating her from the rest of the world.

She had no plan of what to do next. School wasn't even a priority anymore. No words from John in weeks, and Sherlock...
The girl put her head in her hands, feeling the sadness and misery overwhelm her. Lucy rose, intending to comfort her friend, but Aspen rose her hand.

"Don't. You have no right." She said, her voice hoarse, and depressed.
Lucy ignored the comment, and proceeded to comfort her friend, with her hands like hot irons on Aspens back.


Across the street was a bench, where a man looked at the scene. Eyes hidden behind sunglasses, and his dark hair under a hood. Every fiber inside screamed for him to go over, to where his daughter was, but there was no point.

He had already faked his death.

Lucy had given her the package. That was enough for now.
The man rose, and walked back into the crowd of London. Soon, he'd reveal himself to Aspen, and their family would be together again, but she wasn't ready. Not after what happened three weeks ago.

Soon, he thought, as the crowd swallowed him up.

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