Hush little girl.

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"... Hush little girl now don't you cry..." The mother sings in a broken voice, "...Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby..." She breaks off in sobs, cradling the wailing infant as the pounding on the door grows louder and louder. The person behind the door threw himself against it. The mother erupted into sobs again, cradling the baby to her chest. She had already checked the room, no windows, no doors, no way out...

A blade plunged through the wooden door and the woman screamed. "HELP ME SOMEONE PLEASE!!" She cried, but no one was around to hear or help her. The man repeatedly stabbed the door, inwardly enjoying her fear. The stabbing abruptly stopped. She heard him shift and get down on one knee, and a scraping, picking sound. The mother quietly put down her screaming baby and moved the desk in front of the locked door. There was a soft click and the door opened inwards an inch.
"Hello hello dear. Didja miss me?" The familiar sound of her old ex boyfriend greeted her.
"Why are you doing this Dylan!? Why??" She cried, grabbing her baby again.
"Well, because you said we'd be together forever. Then you went with that filthy man and had a child with him! You promised me we would get married! YOU FUCKING PROMISED, AND YOU FUCKING LIED." He punched the door aggressively. "I FUCKING LOVED YOU ADELINE. I MOTHERFUCKING LOVED YOU AND YOU... You..." Dylan broke into tears and slid down the door and onto his knees. "I... I still love you Adeline... I really do... Why can't we be together? Why? Please... I'm going insane here Adeline..." He bangs the door again.
"Because Dylan, I've moved on. I've moved forwards from you. We weren't working out. I'm sorry, but it's the truth..." Adeline said, her voice tinted with fear. Dylan remained silent.
"That filthy man is gone Adeline. You're worried about him aren't you. He never came home tonight did he. It's for the best Adeline... You know that..." He said calmly. Adeline's eyes widened.
"W-what did you do to him!?!?" Adeline cried. Dylan chuckled.
"He was a horrible man Adeline. He stole you from me, and that will never happen again. You'll be mine forever... I love you Adeline, let's be together. Forever." He pushed against the door and it cracked open further, pushing the desk into the room more. "Let me in Adeline, I won't hurt you I promise. I'd never hurt you, you know that right?" He pushes harder and creates a gap big enough for him to squeeze through. He slips inside and pushes the desk out of the way. Adeline holds her baby close and backs away. "Come on now Adeline, why are you so scared? There's no need to be so fearful of me..." He said quietly. Adeline backs herself into a corner as Dylan advances. He walks up to her and swiftly stabs the baby in the heart, taking it from her arms and flings the limp corpse to one side. Adeline screams and raises her hands around her face. Dylan grabs her wrists gently and takes them away from her pretty face. He sweeps her hair from her face in an elegant gesture before bringing his lips down to hers and kisses her. Adeline, despite being in love with her now dead husband, finds herself kissing back.

Dylan breaks away from the kiss and looks at her lovingly. "See... You do love me after all..." He whispers. Suddenly, he puts a cloth over her mouth and nose. She breathes in sharply and inhales the scent of chloroform before everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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