Pen To Paper- Chapter 1

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Louis P.O.V

I let out a slight huff as I sat up, wincing as I gritted his teeth, my hands rushing down to grip my side. "Easy Boo" Sammy eased, winding the bed up to a sitting position and handing me a pen.

"What do I write?" I asked, pulling the clipboard closer.

"Whatever you'd like" She replied with a smile, glancing back down at her phone. She was here to make sure I didn't decided to try and run away. I belonged to the orphanage until somebody came and picked me up.

I glanced towards the open window, my bright blue eyes taking in the features of the glorious morning. Sunshine and birds chirping, my favourite type of way to wake up in the mornings. I tapped my pen on the page for a little bit, before I finally placed the pen to paper.

Dear Whom This May Concern,

I'm Louis, not Lewis, The S is silent.

I'm sixteen and live in Doncaster.

I'm really stuck for writing, but reading is a hobbie of mine. By the age of ten I had read every children's chapter book in the library, I went everyday, sat in the children's section and stuck my head into the book. Yes I'm a bookworm.

I'm smartish, I wouldn't say I'm the best. But I do attend school. I love English, it's like all my wishes and dreams come true in that class, I'm not to sure why.

Math is not my speciality, lets just say I've failed that. I wish I could be outside right now, sitting under the old oak tree with the Hunger Games books in toe, but unfortanly life throws things into your life, and right now I'm on three months bed watch. Hopefully I can go home and be in my own bed. I like that idea.

Well, I'm not going to write my whole life story in one hit, because you might not even reply, and that'd suck if I wrote a 8000 word letter wouldn't it?

Here's a quote: Inhale your future, Exhale your past. Louis x

I felt better once I placed the letter into the envelope. I fixed my beanie and removed my glasses. Yes I have glasses. I turned to face Sammy, smiling like a little kid in a candy store.

" it for me please!" I said, using my most powerful voice to get her to pay attention.

"You're already excited...they haven't replied yet!"

So this is how Louis' letter was placed on Liam's desk, it wasn't intentionally meant to be given to Liam. But somehow it got into the English lads hands, and he wasn't about to let go.

*Liam P.O.V*

"Yes- I am checking the kids' assignments now, I will have to call you back." I spoke tiredly into my phone with the person on the other end of the line, my feet tapping loudly on the squeaky clean tile floor as I walked down the empty hallway to my classroom after all the students had gone home. I grunged at the smell of bits of mouldy food hanging out of bins, and the smell of cigarettes all around the school. This kids will never follow the rules now, will they? I thought in my head, rolling my eyes at the same time.

I adjusted his blazer as I reached my classroom, sighing as I gently placed my bag on my desk in front of the classroom and slumped into the desk chair. I sat up, smiling as I found the assignments on the desk, feeling quite impressed that the students actually returned the sheets in on time. I picked the sheets up in a pile and placed them out separately, picking up my favourite pen and scribbling grades onto the sheets I had managed to mark for the time being. Josh had gotten a C+, still not improving as always, but I was glad that he tried as best as he could.

One of the smartest students in the school named Niall, had gotten an A+ as usual, he was perfect in every subject. Most of the time when I was at school, I saw Niall goofing around with his friends and being friendly towards everyone, but at the same time he was studying to improve his grades as much as he could so he could fufill his dreams. I tapped the pen loudly against the wooden edge of the desk, earning a few specs of dust to fall off because of how ancient it was. I stopped tapping when he saw a quite unfamiliar sheet lying in front of me. It was a letter, a letter from someone. It must have gotten on my desk by accident, and I didn't know how. But I was still going to read it.

Dear Whom This May Concern, I'm Louis, not Lewis, The S is silent. I'm sixteen and live in Doncaster. I'm really stuck for writing, but reading is a hobbie of mine. By the age of ten I had read every children's chapter book in the library, I went everyday, sat in the children's section and stuck my head into the book. Yes I'm a bookworm. I'm smartish, I wouldn't say I'm the best. But I do attend school. I love English, it's like all my wishes and dreams come true in that class, I'm not to sure why. Math is not my speciality, lets just say I've failed that. I wish I could be outside right now, sitting under the old oak tree with the Hunger Games books in toe, but unfortanly life throws things into your life, and right now I'm on three month bed watch. Hopefully I can go home and be in my own bed. I like that idea. Well, I'm not going to write my whole life story in one hit, because you might not even reply, and that'd suck if I wrote a 8000 word letter wouldn't it? Here's a quote: Inhale your future, Exhale your past. Louis x

I was amazed, what an interesting letter for a sixteen year old. My eyes were practically glued to the piece of paper while reading the amazing handwriting of this boy called Louis, and the S was silent. This wasn't exactly what I was expecting for an assignment, but I wanted to get to know Louis better, and I was definitely going to right back to him. I opened the first drawer in the desk and pulled out a plain piece of white paper, I wasn't exactly sure what to write, but my pen started to write away for me.

Dear Louis,

I'm Liam, I am a teacher who just started teaching at a new school and received your letter in a pile of assignment sheets by accident. I am in my early twenties and I live in Doncaster too, what a coincidence! I absolutely love working with students and making friendships with the people surrounding me. I don't think I could ask for a better job. My eyes were literally glued to your letter, you have a very interesting life. I'm sorry to hear that you're on bed watch for that amount of time, what happened? I would love to keep writing to you, I'm happy that your letter accidentally landed on my desk. Maybe you could write back to me? Will be interested to be hearing from you in the future. Here's a quote back to you: You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. Mr. Payne. x

I read over my letter that I had just written, feeling quite satisfied with myself.

"Finished! I better get this to him." I sighed happily and tiredly at the same time, throwing my arms in the air in relief. I looked on the back of Louis's letter, finding something that looked his address, now I knew where to send my reply. I stood up from my chair, almost tripping because of how long I had been sitting down. I picked up all of the sheets, including Louis's letter and my own reply.

I quickly ran up to another teacher, "Could you please post this to the address on the back of this paper?" I asked hurriedly, giving the teacher the address and my letter to Louis.

"Sure, no problem Mr. Payne." She smiled, winking. Her white high-heels clattering on the tile floor as she scurried down the hallway.


Chapter 1! :)

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Pen To Paper (Lilo Paynlinson Teacher-Student) -COWRITTEN- < COMPLETE >Where stories live. Discover now