Pen To Paper- Chapter 29

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This chapter is quite short but it's only because the chapter would have been twelve friggin' pages if I update it like it originally was. Double update wooo! xxxxx


Louis' POV

I woke up to warm arms wrapped around my body and light kisses being pressed against my skin. Which caused me to scrunch my nose up helplessly and let out a slight yawn, stretching my arms out until my bones finally loosened.

"You're finally awake, babe." Liam chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before he picked up a warm mug from off the coffee table and held it towards me.

"My morning cuppa." I grinned, sitting up and latching my cold hands around the outer rim of the hot mug before I moved it up to my lips and took a sip. I dropped my head into Liam's shoulder and closed my eyes for a few extra seconds.

"What do you wanna do today, seeing that we officially don't have to attend that school anymore." Liam asked chirpy as ever, sometimes I wondered how he was so happy in the mornings.

"I just wanna hang with you." I hummed, sipping my tea again, out of my brand new elf mug I brought at the shops the day before with Liam. It came in a set of three, Santa, Rudolph and elf, Liam got a snowman, elf's hanging off a bike and the raindeers poking their heads through the snow. They are seriously cute and I am in love with them for some strange reason, maybe it is because I have never had a proper christmas before.

"Well, I was thinking that we could go down to my little gym room and hang in there for a bit and then maybe we could put the christmas tree up, how does that sound?" He asked as I rubbed my cold nose against his jawline, puffing my cheeks out.

"Sounds like fun." I replied, finishing the rest of my tea before I stood up and wandered into the bathroom. I wasn't wearing much considering it was in the middle of a snow session, but I can't stand the fabric rubbing against my legs it gives me rashes. So I wear Liam's oversized jumpers that I am pretty certain are too big for him, and a pair of boxers but thankfully the jumper is like a dress on me and comes down just past my bum perfectly.

Once I had brushed my teeth and gotten changed, I stepped back out into the bedroom where Liam was waiting, in a pair of sweat pants a tank top. I knew he took his gym stuff seriously, but seriously?

He lead me down the long hallway until we reached the right room, which was opposite the music room I never knew he had. Once we were inside I was quite amazed, it had plenty of gym equipment in it, such as a treadmill and those bikes you have to pedal. I knew you could get a gym at any sports places but I never knew you could get a gym at home, until I met Liam of course.

He sat down on the floor and ushered me down beside him which I kindly took up the offer to do so, I sat down beside him and began to playfully roll around on the floor like an idiot that I was.I was giggling and I swear there was crinkles all over my face from smile so much.

"Lay still, will you? I wanna show you something." Liam pouted, sitting up and holding my hips until I finally stopped wriggling like the worm I was, he then moved his body so it was above mine. He held his body weight up with his hands and started doing push ups, his chest touching mine each time he came back down, and I decided to make a game out of it. Each time he came back down after each push up.

I would try and put him off and make him muck up, for example, pulling his hair. Which unsuccessfully worked, it only made him laugh slightly and pause for a moment to place my arms back down beside myself. I had tried quite a few different things but this time I was going to be cheeky. As he came down I quickly pressed my lips against his own and I could see he was quite shocked by the sudden contact, but eventually he kissed back but he still managed to hold himself up and I felt kind of defeat, he just worked out too much.

Once he was finished with his strange push up technique he took hold of my hands and laid on his back, he instructed me to lean over his body and I thought he was going to make me do push ups. But as I leaned down, he pressed his feet against my lower abdomen and took a firm hold on my hands, he then gently rose his feet up, and I couldn't help squeal and grip tightly onto Liam. I felt like I was flying in some sort of weird way, he was holding me up by his feet and I was kind of blown away by it, I knew he was strong. But that strong?

Eventually he put me back down on the floor and I was giggling like mad. Yes, I giggle. Don't judge. So he took the opportunity to tickle me, which only made me squirm around like a two year old child, and I was squealing, I hated being tickled because I sounded like a girl.

Once I had regained my breath and stopped laughing, I got onto the treadmill and Liam jokingly turned it up to the highest motions and I fell off the back as soon as I touched the moving belt. I then stood with my legs on either side of the treadmill refusing to get on and hitting random buttons until Liam came and turned it down for me, thank god for that.

After running I was sweating and sticky and my t-shirt stuck to my chest and back, somehow I had ended up with a sweat band on my forehead and my overgrown hair was sticking up everywhere, "I feel like I have lost 60 pounds." I puffed, resting my hands on my knees to regain my breath.

"You don't have 60 pounds to lose, babe." Liam chuckled, turning the machine he was currently on off before wandering over, it wasn't a very good idea giving him a massive home because he got lonely and found his only mates as the gym machines in his room and now he was forcibly making me go on the horrible things.

"Have you ever heard of wii sport, love?" I asked, finding a bottle of water in the corner of the room and managing to get the cap off.

"Course." he nodded using his white towel to wipe his forehead.

"You should use that instead of all this." I muttered, causing him to chuckle and wrap his arms around my waist loosely.

"At least you can jog with me in the morning now." He smiled cheekily, tilting his head slightly.

"Not going to happen." I refused, plopping down on the floor and pushing my back up against the wall, before I felt a wet tongue on my face. Woody.

"How- oh hey, that's how he got upstairs." I smiled, glancing at the two other boys in the door way, holding two salad wraps from a brilliant cafe down the road. Harry tossed one towards me and I managed to catch it before it landed on the floor.

"Oh, you wanna see something cool?" I asked, standing up and wandering over to where Liam was sitting opposite me, sipping his cold bottle of water.

"Sure." Niall grinned, sitting down on the spare chair in the room. Liam knew what he wanted me to show them, so he placed his food and bottle down beside him and laid down on his back. I went to lay down and felt him press his feet against my lower abdomen again and take my hands firmly in his own. Gripping onto them tightly as he pushed his feet up as high as he could get them to go and I thought I may just tumble forward if he pushed my body up and higher. I heard a camera go, and my belly felt like it might explode from the pressure, so I lowered myself off his feet and picked up my salad wrap.

In the end I ate my wrap with my head resting against Liam's chest and my eyes barely open, my spare hand gripping onto Liam's clean shirt and his free arm wrapped around my body loosely as he rambled on about Shakespeare and Robin hood. And eventually it sent me off to sleep, I hadn't even realised I had done so until I woke up an hour later in the same position.

"Nice of you to finally join us again, Boo." Liam cooed, pressing his nose into the side of my head gently and ruffling my hair, "The treadmill took all your energy." He cooed once more. Using his fingers to till my head around to his, so he could press our lips together in a kiss and my arms snaked around his neck happily. His moving down to my hips and that was how it went for at least two minutes.

The four of use spent the rest of the afternoon taking selfies and eating chocolate, and Niall and Harry were kind off addicted to touching each other. Where as me and Liam are kind of addicted to kissing each other, it just works that way. I finally got to change my relationship status and profile picture to a picture of me and Liam because I wasn't a student nor was he a teacher.

I had never seen so many crinkles by my eyes in my life, it shows how happy I am with life right now, I couldn't be any happier. I glanced up from my laptop, glancing adorably over at my boyfriend who was one the phone again, pacing the large living room we were now sitting in. I had Woody laying on my belly, my new macbook open and glowing a recent youtube video from one of my favourite youtubers. And it made me want to become one.

Once Liam got off the phone, he grabbed Woody's dog hood, my warm snow jacket and boots, as well as my beanie and gloves,"Let's go get ourselves a christmas tree, Boo."

Pen To Paper (Lilo Paynlinson Teacher-Student) -COWRITTEN- < COMPLETE >Where stories live. Discover now