School Again.

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It's been a few days since i went back to school. I walked in the door and everyone looked at me terrified.. Oh yeah, I remember... I heard people murmuring things aloud. I shrugged and walked past everyone. Then Miley came on her crutches down the hall with her 'friends' and Vlad by her side.

Vlad glared at me and i just walked past. Too bad we are science partners... I walked to class. Suddenly a wet ball hit my forehead. Spitballs. I turned around flowing with anger and i calmed myself and kept walking. I entered english and sat next to Jasmin. She's a shy, geeky, short girl. She trembled as i sat next to her. I sighed and scooted over.

~3 periods laters~

I sat next to Vlad in science. He glared at me and said,"What you did to Miley was wrong.." i answered back,"Do you think i care?" Vlad leaned closer to me,"Your jealous.." I pushed his face away,"Um, jealous of what?" He smirked,"Me and Miley" I rolled my eyes,"Pfft, please, look at her!" I laughed to myself. Yeah i was jealous, oh well.. She scooted her chair away. Somehow class barely started. Miley 'limped' up to Vlad and kissed him but she stared at me the whole time. She pulled away from him and 'screamed',"That monster is looking at me!!" I stood up,"Will you SHUT UP!?" My voice booming loudly. She backed away smirking. I rolled my eyes and sat down looking at the floor.

~Miley's POV~~~

I gotta admit i was a little scared as Mayzen screamed at me. But i smirked anyways. I will do anything for Vlad! He's so adorable.. He saved me from Mayzen.. Brittany and Jessica are falling for him too. I mind as well ditch those losers.


I looked from the back of the classroom staring at my princess. The most powerful demon spawn ever.. She used her royalty voice on Miley last period.. It was pretty scary.. Still her touch felt like non others... She's mine. That Vlad won't have her!

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