The Final Fight.

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I saw Mayzen's body dissolve into ash and then float away. I started walking towards him, he walked towards me as well. "Ready to die...?" He smirked,"I'm pretty sure Mayzen was." I grabbed his face and slammed him in the floor. He grabbed my arm tightly. I growled and threw him at the wall.

He stood up staggering and ran towards me. I dodged him and punched his face. Black sand coming from my fingers and slid over to Dean. The sand flew inside his mouth and eyes, his screams of agony made me happy. I smiled,"Not sure Slendy would like to see you in the underworld." Laughing I  turned and began walking.

Once outside everyone was there, heads down mourning Mayzen. I put my head down as well. Rose burst out the doors,"WAIT SHE LEFT SOMETHING FOR US !!!!" We all turned,"What took you so long!?" she shrugged,"I had to use the bathroom okay." I chuckled a bit but quickly stopped.

Rose brought the baby to the middle of the crowd, Slendy looking over it,"Well. He'll grow up to be a handsome young man." he sighed,"Now that Mayzen hated killing, he will probably be against killing as well." He smiled(human form),"Doesn't mean I won't." Everyone laughed a bit but we all died down.

I picked up the baby in my arms. He was pale with black hair and bright blue eyes that really stood out. "I'm going to name you....Corben. Prince Corben." I softly kissed his head and he smiled.

Hey guys!! I have two choices on what the sequel will be about.

1) Corben grows up in the Demon World and  is extremely popular. One day a man (you'll find out who.) brings him to the normal world which he knows nothing about.

2) Corben grows up in the normal world and is pretty focused on getting popular. His best friend Sarah is Dean's daughter by a spell and will do anything he says. When he orders Sarah to gets close Corben and kill him. Will she get too close o.o (or naww?)

PLEASE VOTE...? X3 ILY ALL and I'm gonna miss you SlenderMan's Daughter. CHECK OUT MAH NEW ANIME BOOK TOO.

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