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Miley pushed me. I felt all my rage build up but just die back down. I sighed,"Get the hell out of my yard" She smirked and walked out pulling Vlad behind her. Dean ran up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. Right now I didn't care. He smiled,"Glad she's gone, she smelled weird" I laughed,"Dean you weirdo." I kissed his cheek and walked back inside. I walked in my room and sat in the chair looking out my window, just watching Dean blushing there. I thought he was kinda cute.

I woke up and I felt so tired. Wait, thats everyday. I put on my black jeans and a gray Vans shirt. I walked in the kitchen, which I found surprisingly empty, I didn't really care. I got toast and a banana grabbed my backpack threw on some shoes and walked out the door. I just remembered we had an assembly for the stupid president and crap. I sat in the front row of the bleachers and Dean sat in the middle with his friends. The principal, Mrs. Cortuez walked in the middle of the gym and spoke,"Hello students! It's your principal Mrs. Cortuez, and we're announcing

this years President, the winner is, Miley Collins!" I clapped silently as Miley walked to the Mic. She said,"Thank you to everyone who voted for me!" I yelled aloud,"I didn't Miley!"  I smirked, then she smirked,"Oh, and must I add, Mayzen is a bitch." Everyone gasped, I heard a few giggles,"Hell no!" I jumped up and walked right in her nasty little face,"Catch my fade, right here right now Miley." She pushed me and I punched her face, I grabbed her hair and pinned her to the ground and punched her face over and over again, Miley rolled me over and slammed my head into the floor and punched my nose. She scratched me and I grabbed her hand, but she scratched my face. I punched her in the face and she started crying. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and pull me off. I looked behind me and saw it was Dean. I looked at Miley looked like she was hit by a train. I looked down and I looked like I was jumped by a moose in high heels. She ripped my shirt and my bra was showing a bit, my nose is bleeding and one of her face nails is in my hair. Dean pulled me to the girls bathroom and told me to clean myself up. I was my face and took the blood off my face and walked out to Dean,"Can I get your jacket?" He replied"Uh, Okay" He gave me his neon green sweatshirt. I put it on and crossed my hands over my chest mad. He smirked,"She totally beat your ass." I playfully pushed him,"Shut up." He laughed and hugged me. I don't  wanna see her face again,"Dean, I have a idea that changes our lives." I looked up and him,"Anything for you" ,"I'm going to change my identity.." "What!?" ,"I just wanted to start my life over..." He put his arm on my shoulder,"No you shouldn't, be you." I nodded,"Okay, but I'm dying my hair" I giggled.

After school I walked to the Salon,"Hey, Teresa." "Hey Mayzen!" " Can I dye my hair??" ,"Sure!" Teresa took me to the seat.

A few hours later after we finished I looked at my Dark red hair with red pinkish highlights,"Oh Teresa I love it!" I hugged her. "No problem girl!" I smiled and pulled out my wallet,;How much I owe you?" She shook her head,"It's on the house Mayzen." she tilted her head,"You did give me a ride to school and back for a week." I hugged her,"Thanks again" I walked out the door and saw Dean with Peps on a leach. "How did you-" He cut me off,"Doggie Treats"  I smiled at Peps and back at Dean. "Nice hair Ariel" I laughed, "Okay brunette" he laughed and looked at me smiling. "Can I ask you a question Mayzen?" , "Uh sure...", "Do you wanna go to the carnival with me? You know the Valentine one..." He blushed,"Sure Dean why not?" I hugged him and Peps barked.

We entered the mansions gates and was greeted by my dad. Dean started sweating like crazy,"S-slenderman.....!" I sighed,"Dean that's my dad." Dean looked at me then at my dad,"W-what.." I looked down and rocked on my feet,"Yup.." He smiled,"Oh that's cool." I raised my eyebrow ,"Really?" My dad put his hand on Deans shoulder,"I like this boy." Dean laughed nervously and scratched his head,"Yup...heh heh" I laughed you too get along, I'm going to sleep." I yawned and walked inside the house. I walked up the stairs and then I noticed Peps was following me. I pet her head and walked to my room. I thought to myself Should I shower, or just hit the hay? Shower. I walked in my bathroom, undressed and got in the shower and turned the water and scrubbed soap on me.


I stood there awkwardly with Slendy. I announced,"I gotta use the bathroom." I whistled my way inside and walked into the bathroom, did my business, and flushed. I heard a girly scream from upstairs. Thats sounds like Mayzen. I washed my hands and ran upstairs. I opened her door and saw her stood there all wet curled up in her towel.


I was just washing my hair when cild water hit me all over. I couldn't help but scream. I grabbed my towel and wrapped myself up and curled up for warmth. I saw Dean burst in my room. He started laughing and he was rolling on the floor. I kicked him in the head,"Rawr meanie" He looked at me,"Owwie" I frowned,"Get out" He stood up and closed the door. I sighed and grabbed my black tee shirt and my Batman pajama pants. I put my hair in a ponytail and climbed in my bed. I heard scratching on my door. I got up and opened the door to find Peps sitting there. I smiled and let her in. Me and Peps cuddled together and we fell asleep.

I turned over to find me and Dean nose to nose. I blushed and turned back around. Then I thought Wait, why the hell is he in my bed!? I sat up,"Why are you in here?" Dean continued snoring lightly. "Deannnnn!!" I shook him. He woke up,"I'm awake, I'm awake." I smiled,"Oh good!" I pushed him off my bed and he made a thump as he hit the ground. His head poked from the side of the bed,"Owwie.." Peps jumped up and licked his face and tackled him. I laughed I love you Peps."  She jumped back up on the bed and we cuddled again. Dean's head popped up again,"Can I get back up on the bed? " I sighed and motioned for him to come up. He jumped up on the bed and hugged me. I laughed and snuggled next to Peps and Dean. I soon fell asleep. I woke up again and saw Peps and Dean were gone.  I yawned and walked down the stairs and picked up my phone and saw 3 new messages. One from Miley one from Dean and one from Vlad. I read Mileys first, "Hey, next time I see u , ill beat ur ass." I replied," learn how to type first." Next I read Vlad's text,"Miley totally beat ur stupid ass haha." I replied,"Funny how you think I care." Then I read Dean's text,"Took Peps to the doggie park" I replied,"You know she's a wolf right?" I sighed and put down my phone. I walked in the kitchen and filled my mouth with whipped cream. I started eating it when Dean walked in the door. He looked at me and laughed,"You look funny" I said,"I like looking funny."  he looked at me,"Soooo, the Carnival is tomorrow..., I'll buy you a dress.." I smiled,"No its okay, I saved my allowance that I took- I mean earned." He smiled,"Alrighty"


Just wanted to say hi to my friend Taylor who's reading this book :P
There will be more so be ready!

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