Lets Fall In Love

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Me and GD were in the guys rooms trying to wake them up. "Guys wake up we have stuff to do!" GD got on Seungris bed and started jumping.

"Yah! I'm up!" He got up and grabbed GD leg. "No rough housing!" Seungri giggled before pulling GD down on the bed. I sighed and went to Daesung.

"Hey, get up." Daesung looked up at me and rubbed his eyes. Just before he got up Taeyang walked in. "Breakfast is ready." The guys shot up and rushed downstairs.

Taeyang looked at me and....he smiled. It wasn't very big but you could tell it was a smile. He had hardly even looked at me since the bathroom incident.

GD grabbed my hand and look at me "let's go eat."

We both walked down the steps hand in hand. The guys looked at us and smiled, even Taeyang. A few moments later the manager walked in looking all professional. "Ok, you guys are shooting let's not fall in love today."

Daesung and Seungri groaned but the rest of us stayed quiet. "And after this is your tour so make sure you keep your strength up." Then his phone rang so he left.


Top still had his fingers intertwined with mine as we ate. One thing the guys are good at is cooking, especially Top.

After we are we went to the studio again to get ready. It was an outside video and they had these rain things everywhere. Top also had to get his hair bleached which looked amazing on him.

My hair had faded to a very light orange since it was dyed.

I put on my blue sweater and Top put on his white t-shirt with boots. He was already wearing jeans so that was no problem.

They shouted Seungris scene first, then Daesung, then Taeyang, then me.

The grocery store part was the best. I've always loved trashing things, even if it was bad. The worst part was probably when I had to get close to her face.

But I was glad to get it over with, now the even harder part came. I had to watch Top do his scene, with a girl.

Ever since we started dating it's been way harder seeing him with girls. I used to hate it but now I absolutely despise it.

He looked so happy with her, he was smiling so much. She was so short and petite too. Would Top like it if I was smaller? More suitable for his size?

Top pursed his lips and all the girl did was tap his lips. I felt hurt even though he was just acting. He never seems this happy when he's with me.

Maybe it's still a game? He's still lying to me, leading me on to believe something that's not even there.

Once they stopped shooting I had to leave. I went to the nearest bathroom and splashed water in my face.

I looked up and hated what I saw. The makeup I had on was all gone so you could easily see bags under my eyes.

My eyes were all red with tears brimming at the edges. How did I end up like this? Loving a man that would be better off without me.


When I looked to the guys after we were shooting GD wasn't there. He was there a few minutes ago.

"Hey Daesung, where's Jiyong?" Daesung turned around from his conversation with Seungri. "He said he needed to use the bathroom."

I nodded and went looking for the nearest bathroom. There were a few but he probably would make the trip for the others.

When I got there I didn't open the door right away. I heard mumbling from inside but I couldn't make out any words.

I finally opened the door slowly and saw GD over the sink. "J-Jiyong?" I rushed over to him and saw tears in his cheeks. "What happened?"

He turned to me and had his hands on my chest. "You want her..." I frowned and took his hand in mine but he immediately pulled away. "Don't touch me!"

I was taken aback by him yelling at me. "Don't pretend you care!" I got closer to him and grabbed his wrists. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He started pounding on my chest but it didn't really hurt. "You want her! Your lying to me!" Before he could say any more I grabbed his face and kissed him gently.

I probably shouldn't have done that because as soon as I pulled away his hand collided with my face. My eyes widened as what just happened processed, GD just hit me.

He's never hit me unless he was being playful. He just fucked slapped me.

"Why do you do this to me! I'm not a toy!" Still in shock that he slapped me I stayed silent.

He looked at me like he was about to say something else but then he started coughing. He bent over with his hand on his mouth. I sighed and walked over to him.

He finally stopped coughing and started panting. I put my hand on his forehead and almost gasped at how hot it was.

He looked at me and he seemed like he was about to faint. "Come on, let's get you home." I picked him up and his legs instinctively wrapped around my waist.

I had my arms under his butt to support his weight. I carried him out of the bathroom and he didn't even say anything.

His arms slowly went around my neck and I could tell he was asleep because all his weight was put onto me.

The guys looked at me with wide eyes and I quickly put my finger to my mouth. They nodded and stayed quiet.

Once we were out to the van the guys opened the door for me. I laid GD in one of the seats and buckled him up. I sat in the back while GD was up at the front.

Daesung sat back with me and asked me what happened. "He needs rest, there's too much stress on him right now." Daesung nodded and kept looking at him.

"He may look tough but he's really fragile." That's what I agreed with the most. GD tries to lead us in the right direction with no care towards his health.

No matter how sick he got he'd always make sure we were ok first. I'm scared he'll always be like this.

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