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Seunghyun was able to leave the hospital after a few days. His walking was better and he was healed.

As each member went into the service they all continued their solo careers. Of course Jiyong and Seunghyun did a bunch of collabs together.

If one was doing a romantic song then the other would star in the music video instead of a female actress or idol.

When it was Jiyongs enlistment time Seunghyun didn't know how he was going to make it. He knew what happened to him and he couldn't bare to see Jiyong in that state.

Luckily, he made it. 2 years after enlisting Jiyong made it back with only a few scratches and bruises.

When he arrived home there was a banner across their dorm saying Welcome Home Jiyong!

He couldn't be happier to have everyone there waiting for his arrival.


Months after, Jiyong and Seunghyun decided to move in together. They didn't want to pursue music any longer.

Of course they had fun and they loved it, but it was time they settled down.

They bought a small house on a beach side. The sand barely reached the side of the house. The view they had outside their backdoor was more than they could dream of.

Almost the whole interior of the house was white and grey, just how they wanted.

Seunghyun even decided to become an artist and make money off of his paintings. He'd be in his studio with paint everywhere. It was more so on him and the floor then the actual canvas.

If Jiyong knew he'd be there awhile he'd bring him and Seunghyun some food. And they'd sit and talk about their days. How Seunghyuns painting was coming along, Jiyong was always supportive of his decision.


When Seunghyun proposed they were taking a midnight walk on the beach. The moon was bright that night, illuminating the sand and the water. The ocean breeze blew their clothes and hair around.

Seunghyun stopped and pointed out a star way up in the sky beyond the water. While Jiyong was looking at it, wondering how Seunghyuns eyes caught it, Seunghyun got down on one knee and grabbed the ring from his pocket.

Jiyong almost screamed when he turned back around. The light from the moon shone off of the metallic silver band Seunghyun had nestled in the box.

Of course he said yes, how could he not?


Then the time came where they wanted children. They had talked about adoption for awhile but they've never decided on it.

Being 2 men in Korea wanting to adopt children wasn't something you saw often. And still it wasn't very acceptable but that wasn't going to stop them.

When they were in the orphanage their eyes landed on a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. They couldn't be much older than 3.

Even without asking Seunghyun they knew that these children were the ones they're suppose to have.

The adoption went easier than they thought with no complications.

They had a lovely family, staying in the same house by the beach. They would tell their children the story of how Seunghyun proposed to Jiyong on the beach outside.

And when their Daughter Yeolli brought home her girlfriend, they didn't have any complaints.

And here they are now, in a retirement home, looking at their memory book with their children and grand children.

"Jiyong, are you happy?" Jiyong looked up from the book. "Of course I am, have been for the past few decades." Seunghyun couldn't help the smile that appeared on his wrinkled face. "I'm happy too, thank you." Jiyong moved closer to him on the couch. "For what?"

"For forgiving me, accepting me, believing in me, and most importantly, loving me. There's Nobody like you...."

Finally!! I've ended this story. Yes, this will be the last chapter. Thank you everyone for reading this and voting. I think this is a good ending for it. Please tell me what you think about the ending and vote!


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