You're okay...

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Top woke up the day before the doctors were going to pull the plug. It was late at night so visiting hours were over. Seunghyun wanted to hold Jiyong so badly. But that would have to wait until morning.

As soon as my eyes opened I started looking for Jiyong. My eyes surveying the whole room looking for him. It was so dark and it took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust.

There were multiple things attached to me. A breathing mask over my mouth, an IV in my left wrist, and something on my chest which I would assume is to check my heart rate.

I tried to stay as calm as I could so I didn't alarm anyone with my rapid heart beat. I didn't really know what to do in the room. There was no way I could get out of this bed without hurting myself.

The machines made it so I could make out certain objects in the room. There was a big tv attached to the ceiling. Of course I had no idea where the remote was nor was I going to look for it in the dark.

I don't know how long I was in a coma for, but it was probably a long time. Saying that I was still tired for some reason. So I decided to just go back to sleep until morning came.

As soon as visiting hours were open I rushed to the hospital. The doctors had called me earlier and told me that Seunghyun had woken up and was doing fine.

The minute I set foot in the hospital I was already in tears. I almost tripped over my own feet because I was running so fast.

I practically broke the door off the hinges from opening it so fast. But... Seunghyun wasn't there. All that was in the room was an empty bed. "S-Seunghyun?" I was about ready to collapse from all the running I did.

I was getting ready to turn around and run back out of the room when someone tapped on my shoulder. When I turned around there was his doctor standing there. "Are you looking for Seunghyun?" I quickly nodded and he led me to this huge room.

When he opened the door I saw Seunghyun walking with a man beside him. But he wasn't walking right. He was stumbling a lot and had to hold onto bars. "Since he hasn't walked in so long he's gonna need time to get used to waking again. Right now he's doing great."

I restrained myself from running over and tackling him to the ground. Instead I stood there a patiently watched him. When he did finally look up at me his face lit up. "Jiyong!"

I walked over to him quickly before he tried to run over to me and hurt himself. "Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" He nodded and quickly wrapped his arms around me. I had to hold onto him tightly so he didn't fall.

"I'm so happy to see you..." He mumbled into my neck. I could already feel his tears hit my neck and soak my shoulder. I tried to hold back my tears but it was impossible. "You're okay." He squeezed me tighter than he already was.

"I'm okay Jiyong, I'm here."

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