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Ever since he was a young boy, Sam knew he was different from the others. Sam never really understood the big hype about sports, especially why the cheerleaders always wore such revealing clothing. Aren't they supposed to be covering those areas? Sam just labeled himself as logical and not-a-pervy-asshole.

He did see himself as a shy boy who turns into a very sassy and fabulous boy once he got comfortable with someone. He didn't mind throwing a fashion show for his friends or spending the day alone in his room binge watching the "Bachelor" and eating. But honestly, everybody did that. Pretty much.

When he happened to be scrolling through his "Instagram" feed, he saw a picture of a well-toned young man. Nice jawline.... strong collar bone.... piercing green eyes..... He knew that this feeling wasn't jealousy as much as lust. He told himself that he's supposed to feel this way about girls.

Then he realized that's not true.

Almost immediately he recognized his sexuality. This wasn't just a sudden interest. He was gay, and that was ok. Then he just kept scrolling.

He didn't want to tell anybody right away, not that it would surprise anyone. Besides, he was starting his junior year next week at Lemondale Valley High. He put down his phone and thought.

I don't think there's any gay boys at my school... Hmm... Oh well. Less drama.

And with that, he went to sleep.

When he woke up, he felt strangely confident and a new degree of excitement. He quietly got up, took a shower, ate breakfast, and drove off to the mall for new clothes. Sam came from wealthy family, yet insisted on having a job which paid very well. After picking up a latte from Starbucks, he walked into the mall. He always felt insecure when he was alone. He didn't look at anyone or talk to anyone other then the cashiers.

He looked up and noticed how tall the building was.

It must have been very dangerous to put those windows up there. So brave. Well, obviously they had some harness or safety net.... I need a safety net.

As he continued walking, a group of three boys passed him. A short "thug life" Mexican, and an average Chaldean. They weren't bad looking and were probably very nice men. But the third had a British accent with light blue eyes and fair, clear skin. His jawline must have been carved by the Lord himself. His hair was brushed up in the front and trimmed down on the sides. His shirt was buttoned up all the way yet his sleeves were rolled up half way. Skinny jeans and white vans.

His friends were discussing the upcoming school year. The shorter one said he was off to West High. The second referred to a school in Texas. This mystery olympian of a man said he would go to Loave Hills, a school in the richer part of town. Sam could go there if he wanted, but he decided against it when he heard of the bully rates and low education.

Sam just put in his headphones.

He tried hard as he could to forget the god of jawlines, but it didn't work.

Please. Be. Gay. Or. Bi. Or. Pan. Just. Fuck. Me. Please. Ugh. At. Least. Be. Single.

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