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My father used to warn me about these creatures, war, greed and misery was in there nature. Humans. The filth of the world, the very reason we were chained here and left for dead, locked underground like the monsters they thought we were. All so life above continued to run as if we never existed. Why did they despise us; was it because of how we looked?

"Move it. Dracion." A human guard spoke, spitting my kin's name as he shoved me along the seemingly endless corridor of cells; spitting insults and tugging the chain harshly; unfortunately
this seemed to be his favourite method of progress through the maze of cages. I hated the fact that all I could do is sit around and watch as each cell passed by... number 505 ... number 524... It pissed me off.

I began to notice how the swollen blisters forming under the thorned Astral Steel cuffs as they increased in size, they began to inflict a burning sensation, as metal dug into my flesh causing me to yelp. I tried to shift the cuffs to decrease my suffering however I had both hands tied. Literally. "Argh!" the guard took notice of my fidgeting and pained expression I wore on my face and smirked wickedly showing his yellow stained teeth, "Awwwww look it's in pain, let me help." With a rich sarcastic tone the man yanked the chain connected to the cuffs causing me to trip and slam into the soggy stone pavement. I couldn't get up so all I could do was wait as the man then walked over to me at a painfully slow speed. As he approached my exhausted hurt body he grinned seeing a new opportunity to inflict pain, he clasped his stubby fat oily fingers around a larger section of my hair and continued to drag me through the halls. Ignoring my struggles... Number 552... Number 568...

By the time we stopped I was covered with a thin layer of the very un-thin layer of muck saturating the dungeon floors. Cell number 578, the last cell, and our destination. And oh how I dreaded this place; what felt like years of moping and cussing at the grey life-less walls were all the memories I had granted my time here. "You should know this cell pretty well dracion," The guard taunted waving his disgusting hand in an annoying suggestive way, "you're a disease." He snorted spraying his thick saliva upon my face.

"Shut it. Human." I scolded flashing pure hatred into his spoiled greedy pupils. How dare a lowly human such as he have the right to disgrace me in such a way. This stupid man would be on his knees praying for his worthless life if I didn't have these stupid chains on. I growled showing my utter frustration toward the man gritting my sharpened teeth in the process. The guard gave me a harsh glare, clearly not pleased with my display and thrusted upon this spear to piece my back, my linen rags tore under the force of his blade however my skin hardened protecting it from any physical harm, revealing midnight coloured scales. The guard laughed, "You ARE a monster."

With that comment he placed his hands on my back and shoved me into cell 578, knocking me painfully onto the floor in the process. "I'll collect you in a day's time, see that you learn your lesson." He barked and he waddled off. Slowey disappearing from view and slowly continuing his jackass job as a jackass guard.

So what if I was a dracion, I looked human enough, besides the giant black and blue reptilian wings that sprout out from my back, I was kinda different but wasn't that what everyone craved up there, equality? Besides I was still only eighteen years old. Humans. They called us the monsters, how could they treat us like this? I am just girl... a demonic, powerful and dangerous one.

I looked around the cell, thick wet and cracked concreate walls, a small flimsy bed with a sorry excuse for a mattress, a broken mirror with the rest of its contents scattered throughout the room, a dirty old toilet with its seat missing and a bucket of water that seamed poisonous. That's all. They didn't care about me, or any one of us, all they cared about was their pathetic race known as humanity. I was furious the way humans treated the dracion or any other beast. It was unfair and one day they were all going to pay. "My name is Akumi dam it," I growled, my sharp canines flashing, "Akumi Pendragon."

I got up from my sorry position on the floor and walked slowly towards the cracked mirror hanging on the sewage covered wall, I kept my eyes clamped shut for I was scared what state I would be in. To my sorry expectations what did look back at me was a monster. My infuriating state caused my more hostile form to begin to show. My curved extravagant metallic blue horns sat on either side of my head with my long white hair brushing against the base of bony structures. My scaly dark wings flared out from my back; shiny midnight scales like those on my wings were present on my body around my horns and wing bones; my eyes flashed, like violet daggers, they were clearly those of a reptile. "Look at me," I murmured, "I am a monster." I began to laugh as I threw myself onto the flimsy bed, making it creek loudly in the process; I should probably get some rest for tomorrow, you know to regain my thin patience.

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