Chapter 6 (iv) Making Money

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Making Money

Business boomed. At age 15, James had more money coming in from loyal customers than he knew what to do with. He had as many adults as kids buying from him. Space became sparse beneath his bed, only being able to smoke so much weed, play so many video games, eat so much crap and buy so many new outfits of clothes, all of which he did conservatively anyway; the past having left its indelible mark, making him Spartan with spending, causing a build up of cash. But going from famine to feast, earning a steady income, also regulated memories of hunger and goodwill shops to a thing of the past.

His body grew in stature, strength; his heart, cocksure, bold. He'd get into fights and win. Self-esteem issues no longer held him back; instead, pushed him forward.

He quit school, seeing no need.

His parents played ignorant, benefitting.

His friends of old fell to the wayside, entrepreneurially retarded, lacking motivation beyond anything other than smoking, they became an albatross about his neck.


New friends arose.

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