Chapter 1 - beginnings

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Our story follows a young girl named Gracelynn. She has long, wavy, light brown hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. When she was about 6 years old she met avatar Korra. She had lived a full life, but it wasn't over yet. Gracelynn's grandfather had grown up knowing avatar Korra, his uncle was one of her teachers. Who is his uncle, you may ask? Well you'll find out soon enough.
Now, one day when Gracelynn was visiting her grandfather he took her to meet Korra. She was well into her 80's at this point, but still as full of life as in her teenage years. The first time she saw Gracelynn she knew, she could see that she had her great-great grandmother's eyes. The woman was long gone by now, but during her life had been one of the best water benders and healers the earth had ever seen. Gracelynn and her grandfather walked into the house, the former hiding behind the latters leg.
"Come her little one" Korra said upon seeing her cower. She peeked out at the woman and took a step out, only to hide behind her grandfather's leg once more when 3 children came running through. A girl who looked around 8 was chasing a young boy who looked around 4. Both of whom were being followed by a young boy who looked around her age. As the first 2 passed Korra, she shouted after them
"Hey, you can play, but no bending! Do you hear me?!"
The 2 children didn't respond, continuing to run around. The only one that stopped to listen was the young boy at the back of the pack. Upon seeing the 2 visitors, he looked to Korra and said
"Grandma, who are they"
"This, my boy" She started as she gestured towards the man in front "is Gyotsu. Do you remember grandma's old friend Kya?" She paused waiting for the boy to answer.
"Yeah, the one that was a water bender like Aeraceli?"
"Yes, that's the one." Korra continued. "This is her son. Wanna introduce yourself? " She asked.
The boy walked over to the man and held out his hand.
"Hi," he said "My name is Akihito. It's nice to meet you!" He gave him the biggest smile he could muster.
Gyotsu extended his hand to shake the young boy's.
"Nice to meet you as well, young man."
The boy then turned his attention to the young girl behind Gyotsu. For a few silent moments it was just his green eyes staring into her blue ones, until he extended his arm to her. Introducing himself again.
"I'm Akihito, what's your name?"
The young girl stepped out from behind her grandfather. Extending her arm to grab the boys. "Gracelynn" she told him. They shook hands, as she observed him. He had a slightly tan skin tone, not nearly as much as his grandmother though. The skin tone had lightened through the generations. Mostly because Korra married Mako, their children's skin was given a lighter hue than that of the Avatar. And the young boy's mother (Korra and Mako's daughter) had married a light skinned earth bender, further lightening the hue given to their children.
It was tanner than her own, Gracelynn noticed. Then moving her eyes to his hair, short and black. And then back to his green eyes. "Nice to meet you" She finnally said. They released eachother hands and he walked away, going after his siblings once again.
"Be careful" Korra called after him.
"I will" He shouted back, and then he was gone. The older woman turned her attention back to the young girl.
"Come here, my dear. I want to see you." She told her.
Gracelynn peeled her eyes away from the spot Akihito vanished from, and back to the old avatar in front of her. She started walking forward, and when she reached her she was suprised to be picked up and placed in the older woman's lap.
They stayed for a while getting to know each other, before her 3 grandchildren ran back in.
"Hey" She stopped them.
"This is Gracelynn, " She told them. "And her grandpa Gyotsu."
She then pointed to the youngest boy, he looked quite a lot like his older brother Gracelynn noticed, the only difference being the bright orange-red eyes in place of the green ones. "This is Daiki " She stated, then proceeded to point at the oldest girl, with the same skin tone as her brothers, but with long brown hair instead of black, and big blue eyes sparkling out.
"And this" She said "is Aeraceli."
The two mentioned waved at the guests, then proceed to walk away. Before they left the room though the youngest boy, Daiki, turned around and shot a fireball at his sister to which she pulled water out of a flower vase nearby to prevent it from hitting her. They then proceeded to chase one another again. Gracelynn watched as Akihito ran after his siblings once again.
"Do you want to go play with them?" Korra asked her. She looked up at the older woman, and shook her head.
"Well then" Korra said while putting her back on the floor "go on."
After she left the adults starting talking.
"She definately has Katara's eyes" Korra told him.
"Yes, my grandmother's eyes have gone through each generation. But she's no bender, just like me." Gyotsu expressed to Korra.
"That's alright, neither is Akihito. They will get along great. That boy is always trying to get his sibling to get along with eachother." She paused to laugh "it's funny, with all the earth bending in their family, not even one of them is an earth bender." She laughed again. "Daiki definately got his fire bending from Mako, and Aeraceli her water bending from me and her mother. But you would think, with Bolin in their family as well as my daughter marrying an earth bender, that they would've had at least one... not even Akihito is an earth bender." She commented, pausing for a moment. Then a little lower in volume said "he does have the eyes for one though." And again she slightly laughed.
Gyotsu and Korra talked for a few hours until he needed to bring Gracelynn back. They said their goodbyes and departed.
But Gracelynn and Akihito became fast friends after that day. Continuing to stay friends for the entirety of their lives. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself here.

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