Chapter 2 - Teenage years

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In her teenage years Gracelynn had grown up to be a very intelligent and beautiful young woman. But somewhere along the way, her rebellious period put her in with the wrong people. She stopped talking to Akihito, and made new friends.
The summer after she graduated high school a younger boy in her group of friends asked her out. She said yes, and they started dating. After only a few dates it was clear to her what he wanted, but she wasn't ready to give up that last part of her innocence just yet. He kept pushing and pushing but she wouldn't budge on the subject. Finnally after almost two months of trying, he told her he would break up with her if she didn't give him what he wanted. So she did, she had fallen in love with him, and didn't want to loose him. But her choice to give in, she would later come to regret for a short time. Only a day after she had given him what he wanted, he broke up with her anyway. His only reason for staying with her finnally gone. She was devistated, that night she laid in bed unable to figure out how to make her heart stop hurting. She cried and cried, as a broken heart often makes one do. And then she had a realization, there was always one person who used to be there for her no matter what. He always made her feel safe, and when she was hurt he used to be the first person she would go to. He had the ability to take away her pain, and comfort her like no one else could.
She got out of bed and got dressed, now on a mission. She didn't care that she hadn't talked to him in 3 years, she didn't care that there was a quite real possibility that he might not want to even see her. She climbed out of her window, careful not to let her parents hear, and jumped off of the front roof. She ran to the street and didn't stop running for an hour, when she finnally reached his house she climbed the tree next to his window. When she reached the window she looked inside, and upon seeing his sleeping form in his bed she sighed a big sigh of relief. She reached over and tapped on his window, hoping that would wake him up. She waited a few seconds before lightly knocking on his window. He opened his eyes and Looked at his window. When he saw who it was he jumped out of bed, clad in just his boxers, and ran to the window. He opened it up and helped her inside, he looked at her and asked
"Gracelynn, what are you doing here?" In a whisper yell. He waited a few seconds for her to reply, and when his eyes finnally adjusted to the darkness he noticed the tears in hers.
"Come here" he said, in a softer tone. Pulling her into a hug.
When they pulled away he led her to his bed, walking over to his door to lock it so no one came in.
"What's wrong?" He asked her as he sat next to her on his bed. "What happened Gracelynn?"
She looked up into his green eyes and told him everything. She told him not only what she was crying about, but also how bad she feels for not talking to him these past years. She tells him how sorry she is, and how much it means to her to have him as a friend.
He sat next to her listening to everything she was saying, soothingly rubbing her back all the while.
"Its alright," he told her. "There's no reason to be sorry, I'm still here for you. You know I always will be." She looked up at him again, and gave him a big hug. "But in a couple weeks you will be leaving the state. Going to college 800 miles away. And I'll be going to college on the other side of the state." He pulled away from her, holding her shoulders at arms length and looking into her eyes. "That dosent mean we can't still be friends." He told her "There's always telephones or email. We can stay in touch."
"Do you promise?" She asked him.
"Yes, I promise. "
He let her shoulders go and she leaned against him again. Just soaking up the love and warmth within him.
They sat there like that for a long time, her leaning her head on his shoulder as he had his hand behind her stroking her hair in a comforting manner. After what felt like forever she lifted her head up slightly and looked up into his eyes. Just sitting there staring at them, after a while she started to lean in. She closed her eyes right before her lips made contact with his. He knew it was wrong to kiss her back, she was in pain, heartbroken, but he couldn't pull himself away. His inner battle ended when she leaned in farther, all thoughts of how bad this was left his mind. He was just overwhelmed by his emotions, and his want to do this, to have this with her. He had loved her for as long as he could remember, and no longer could he fight against her advances. He completely melted into her, nothing on his mind except for how much he loved her and how happy he was to finnally be doing this with her.
They continued kissing for several minutes before she pushed him onto his back. She proceed to climb on top of him and deepen the kiss. The rest of the night his room was filled with whispered moans, and the whole room atmosphere became thick. It was wrong, but he didn't think about it until afterwords. He gave her his innocence without a second thought, and didn't think twice about it until it was too late to stop it.
She woke up the next morning completely naked, and looked over at the sleeping form of her best friend. She didn't regret what happened, she truly wanted it.
'Wow' she thought. 'I never thought that this is how our reunion would end up. But I'm glad.' She was just about to get up when the doorknob started to turn. The person on the other side realized that the door was locked and started knocking "hey, Akihito! Why is your door locked? Open up!" She started yelling.
Gracelynn started shaking him, "Akihito!" She whispered. "Aeraceli is at the door! Get up!" He wasn't budging so she pushed him off of the bed. He woke up upon impact with the floor. And when he heard his sister outside he turned to Gracelynn and told her to hide. He picked up all of her clothes and gave them to her before pushing her into the closet. He put his boxers back on and then opened the door slightly.
"What do you want Aeraceli?" He asked her.
"Mom told me to come wake you up. She was getting worried because you never sleep in this late."
"What time is it?" He asked her.
"3pm." She told him.
Upon hearing this From the closet Gracelynn started to panic. Her parents were going to kill her, they hadn't seen her all day yesterday and when they woke up this morning she wasn't there. She started to put on her clothes, being careful not to bump into anything or attract Aeraceli's attention.
When she finnally left and Akihito shut the door, Gracelynn burst out of the closet.
"I really need to go home." She told him.
"Alright, I'll walk you. Just climb out the window and I'll meet you by the tree."
She nodded and headed to the window, while he went to find some clothes to wear.
They met by the tree and walked back to her house, they arrived there around 5:45 and as soon as she opened the door her parents ran up to her. Asking her where she was and why she wasn't home. Before she could answer however, Akihito tells them that she was with him. Both of her parents trusted him, they knew that she was safe if she was with him.
If it were anyone else's parents he wouldn't have said it, especially since they were both benders. Her mother being a water bender and her father being an earth bender, just like his parents. But he knew they were worried, she was their only child after all.
After a while he walked back home, and for the next couple of weeks they started to hang out again like they used to. But summer had to end at some point, and they both moved away. Sadly enough, loosing touch with one another again.
Attending college wasn't hard for her, as I said before, she was very bright. But a few months after she started classes, she started getting sick. She waited a while but eventually went to the doctor. The news was something she hadn't expected...

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