•Chapter 11•Hanna's POV•

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Hanna's POV

When we got in the theme park and the paparazzi were no where to be seen, I pushed Harry off of me. He looked at me funny.

"Don't touch me unless the pap are around. And they are obviously not around" I said coldly.

"Hanna-come on, can't we just put the past behind us?" Harry said. That made me pissed.

"Put the past behind us?! Are you freakin kidding me?! Easy for you to say! Your not the one who's best friend told you to go and kill yourself!" I shouted at him and started walking away.

"Hanna! I'm sorry! Please come back!" Harry yelled and ran after me. I was only speed walking.

"Go a ride a roller coaster" I muttered.

"Very funny" he said as I turned a corner and he jumped in front of me and grabbed my arms. "You can't leave without me. I have got the keys to the car and we have to be seen leaving together" he pointed out. I walked pass him and went up to the fence that was cutting us off of the rest of the roads. I jumped over the fence leaving Harry looking wide eyed at me. "How did you learn how to do that?"

"Things have changed since you've been gone Harry" I said as I walked away singing 'Since You've Been Gone' by Kelly Clarkson. I heard a rattle of the fence and I looked over my shoulder to see Harry had jumped over the fricken fence. Brilliant.

"Since I am a gentleman, I will be obliged if I walked you home. So shall we?" Harry said as he held up his arm. I just kept on walking and guessing that Harry was following me. He was.

"Hanna, stop" Harry said behind me. But I just kept on walking. "Hanna" he grabbed my arm and I stopped.


"We are going to be spending so much time together-"

"Sadly" I muttered.

"AND we should at least talk about this... So you can forgive me. We have got all the time we need right now so-" Harry sat on the green grass and pointed to it in front of him. " Why don't we sit and talk?" I sighed. He did have a point, as much as I hate to admit it. So I sat down. "Now we are getting somewhere".

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