•Chapter 19•Harry's POV•

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Harry's POV

Dammit! Stupid Paris had to go and ruin everything. I could hear Hanna moving things around in the room.

"You can only stay in there for an hour because of the bet!" I called at her as I leaned against the wall, waiting for the hour to be up. I heard her stop what she was doing. Like that instant stop of noise. Then all of a sudden she opened the door and walked towards me. She looked at me, then she did something so unexpected. She... Kissed me. The kiss lasted for about 6 seconds then she pulled away and slapped me across the face. Then she just walked back into her room. I was left standing there, feeling heartbroken. She just kissed me. I felt fireworks and sparks fly up. But she obviously didn't. Then I started to get pissed. I have tried everything to get Hanna to forgive me. EVERYTHING she would want me to do... And still nothing! I then stormed out of the house. Just to think for a while. Why did she do that? Wait... I told her about the bet... Did she think I got Paris to do that? Uh! She did! And she was getting me back. I turned around and went back into the house.

"Hanna!" I yelled as I closed the front door. She opened her bedroom door and stepped out.

"Back so soon?" She smirked.

"If you think I made Paris do that, then your wrong. I wouldn't make you lose the bet" I said. Her facial expression changed to sad.

"I was really hoping that you wouldn't say that" she muttered.

"Why?" I asked, stepping forward to her.

"Because I didn't want to think that you actually slept with that girl" she whispered. I sighed.

"Me too" I said and grabbed her hand. She shook her hand out of mine.

"I'm really tired. Anyways, we have to go on a date tomorrow. Just got a text from Michael. We're just going to Starbucks together, but we have to act as if we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Goodnight Harry" she said before going back into her room. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.



"Hanna! Get up!" I yelled and banged on her door before opening it.

"Arrrrrrrrrgggggg! No! To early!" She mumbled and put her pillow over her head.

"C'mon! We have to go to Starbucks!" I said taking her pillow off her head.

"Nooooooo!" She groaned. I knew how to get her up. I pulled the covers off her. "Nooooooooo! Shit it's cold! Give it baaaaack!" She whined.

"No!" I chuckled. "You have to get up!" She huffed.

"Fine" she said dragging her lazy, cute ass out of bed. "Get out I'm going to get dressed!" She called from the bathroom.

"Ok!" I said back and went out of the room. 5 minutes later she came out with her hair in a messy braid down the side of her head. She had a yellow netted singlet on, a short jean jacket on and white pants. She was wearing brown gladiator shoes on and had a white beanie on her head. She was so cute.

"Well! Lets go!" Hanna said grabbing her phone and wallet. We walked out of the front door and saw the all the pap hiding in the bushes. I quickly grabbed onto Hanna's hip. I felt her tense but soon relaxed when she saw the pap. We got to my car and got in. The drive there was mostly Hanna complaining that I woke her up too early and me laughing. When we got to Starbucks I opened the door for her. She smiled and walked in. I grabbed her hand and made our way up to the cashier. We ordered, drank the drinks, spent about an hour there. We decided it was about time to go. When we were halfway to the car, we heard screaming. Me and Hanna looked at each other.

"What's that?" I asked her. She looked behind us and grabbed my hand.

"Stampede!" She yelled, cracking a smile. We ran until we found a small crack in the wall, big enough for us to just fit in. We were chest to chest, nose to nose. I kept looking into her eyes as she looked the other way to where the crack was. She turned her head to look at me. I leaned in the kiss her but she put her hand on my chest pushing me back. I mentally sighed. I looked up and she looked at the crack again. Coast was clear. She grabbed my hand and lead me to the car. The car drive was dead silent all the way home. She kept looking out the window, not turning her head towards me once. But I could see through the reflection that she had tears in her eyes.

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