❤️Chapter 2: Mr. Mystery And The Great Papyrus❤️

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"You didn't hear? Mr. Pines and his brother left..." I was confused. What was all the tension about? What was the human so upset about? And more importantly:

"HUMAN! WHAT IS WRONG? AND ARE YOU SURE HE IS A HUMAN? FOR I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, BELIEVES THAT HE LOOKS LIKE A RODENT FROM ONE OF THOSE BOOKS IN OUR LIBRARY!" The "Soos" let out a chuckle, and stuck out his hand for the two of us to shake it. I took it, and smiled at the human. "Soos Ramirez, the new Mr.Mystery of the Mystery Shack."

"GREETINGS, HUMAN! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS, THE GREATEST OF THE GREAT! AND THIS IS MY BROTHER, SANS!" Soos gave a chuckle as leaned to shake my brother's hand.

"Soos, what did you say about Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford leaving?"

"Well, while you were moving to the Underground with your buddies, Mr. Pines made an announcement that he was closing the Mystery Shack. But I objected, and the dude gave me his title as Mr. Mystery. And now, me and Melody run the place!" Soos pointed to a girl at the counter, and she waved at the three of us as she was introduced.

"What about Dipper-" Suddenly a pair of feet walked down the stairs, and a young boy with brown hair that was mainly covered by a blue cap. I swear he looked familiar... Until I realized it.

I grabbed Sans and Mabel, hugging them close to me in protection. "SANS! HUMAN! STAY BACK! IVE SEEN HIM BEFORE! HES A MONSTER, AND HE'LL-" Sans wriggled from my grip, and rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. "Paps, shh, it's okay, I already taught him a lesson. I almost killed him for you... Put the kid in tears..." I relaxed just a little, glancing back in forth between my brother and the... Murderer... It sent shivers up my spine as my eyesockets met the child's eyes... I remember the look on his face days ago. He had wanted to kill I, the Great Papyrus for sure, but it seemed as if there was something more to them... But I didn't know what...

I decided not to talk to the human, only because I was afraid of him killing me. I grabbed my brother's hand to comfort myself, and he seemed surprised when I did. When he saw the worry on my face, he smiled sympathetically, and squeezed it tighter. "It's okay Pap, I'll protect you..."

Mabel walked over to her brother, cautious by his behavior around the two of us. Things must not have gone down as planned with my brother. I could tell he was tense. Every time I looked down at him, I saw his eye glowed a little more blue each time, and it was scaring me. I hate to admit it, but it's true. I was scared. I watched Mabel's reaction, but all she did was stare. The human girl seemed nice. She didn't want to kill anything and... For some reason she spent most of her time with Sans... What could it mean?

"Dipper..." She whispered as she stared into his eyes. They still looked cold, and determined, but they didn't burn that raging fire to kill. Which relieved me a little. "Mabel, why are you here? Shouldn't you he back underground with those....." He pointed over to us strangely, making a funny look at the same time. "WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH US, HUMAN-"

I cut myself off as I placed a hand over my own mouth to stop talking. Everyone was staring at me, and not in a good way either. "I'M SORRY I HUMILATED US SANS... PLEASE FORGIVE ME...THE GREAT PAPYRUS, IS IN YOUR DEBT." Sans squeezed my hand tighter as he comforted me. "Shh... It's alright, I know you didn't mean to... It's not your fault..."

The boy's eyes net mine again and I shuddered. That was my murderer. If he could kill me once... He could kill me again. But Sans is here, so he could protect me, right? And that girl too! And I'll protect them, too!

Sans turned towards the door, and started pulling me in that direction, and I slowly followed him, until some child asked-

"Hey, Mr. Mystery Manager dude, one of your exhibits are leaving the shack, and it's a pretty good one too." Sans stopped, and I turned around to look at Soos. His face lit up as he thought of an idea, and he dashed in our direction. "Hey uh... Sorry to bother you and all, but uh... Do you dudes mind staying here in the shack for today to attract in some customers? You'd be doing me a huge favor." Sans looked down, as he shook his head, spitting out a lame excuse afterwards. "Sorry, but today we have some important errands to attend to."

This seemed like an interesting job, and if Sans didn't want to take it, I did. I tugged on my brother's arm, starting to pout. "COME ON BRO, TODAY'S A SATURDAY! CAN I AT LEAST STAY?!?"

Sans looked up at me, trying not to fall for my act. But it seemed like it was failing quickly, and after a few moments of staring at me, he sighed. "Fine, fine, bro, but don't into any trouble. Okay-" Happiness seeped through me as I picked my brother up and spun him around, laughing happily. " OH THANK YOU BRO SO MUCH! I PROMISE I'LL BE GOOD, I PROMISE!" Noticing I was yet again another scene, I stopped screaming, and placed my brother back down, marching over to the tall and chubby human, placing a hand on my hip as I stood beside him. I watched Sans come back in our direction, and I managed to hear what he was whispering into Soos' ear.

"Don't let that kid even get near Papyrus, or you'll both be having a bad time." The manager stared at my brother in shock as he left, muttering a quick, "Y-yes sir," before he dissapeared. Mabel dashed for the door, and turned, waving to me before following my brother. I grinned. Not all humans are bad I guess, it's just you gotta watch out for some...

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