❤️Chapter 8: You IDIOTS❤️

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"WHERES PAPYRUS?!?" I jolted awake to being shaken violently and the sound of Sans' yelling. I blinked away stars as I saw the skeleton's tear-stained face, his eyesockets squeezed shut as he shook me. "Y-you don't keep a trackingg device on him? I think th-that would be helpful."

He only shook me harder.


"SANS! CALM DOWN! IM SURE PAPYRUS IS OKAY! WE JURT NEED TO THINK ABOUT WHERE MIGHTVE DISSAPEARED TO!" The skeleton blinked at me as he stopped shaking, brushing tears away. "Wh-where do you think he went?"

"Hmm..." Sans was right. Where would he have gone? His sentry station? Grillbys? What about..."

"The surface? Maybe Soos wanted him to work again today?" Sans looked down, releasing his grip on me. "Actually... That's sounds pretty accurate. Let's go!"

"I guess I'm not going to school today?" Sans let out a groan as he turned to look at me, his face giving off the wave of "are you really serious?"

I rolled my eyes as brushed away the hair in my face, dashing after Sans to reach the surface.

And overnight, it had changed so much, that I didn't recognize it.

It was dark and desolate, not a soul in sight. The Mystery Shack up ahead looked dark, and was apparantly closed. "What... Happened to everyone?" I murmured as I led the way to town. Sans beside me seemed quiet, his every movement he made was jolted and paranoid.

As we walked down the dark sidewalk, suddenly, a television screen flickered on, and I stumbled backwards at the sudden sound. My eyes widened even further as the voice giggled, and a face appeared on the screen. It was human, with short brown hair and blood red eyes. Her gaze flicked between me and Sans, giggling her head off. It seemed that the skeleton already knew who it was, and anger was burning deep inside him. "Chara..."

"Chara?" The name sounded familar, but I wasn't sure where I heard it before. The screen blinked in and out, making their message unclear. "Idiots... Your brother... Dead.... Unless you.... Northwest Hall.... Good luck... Losers-" Sans leapt at the television, and smashed the screen, making it go black. The town was quiet once more. The only sound was the heavy breathing of Sans.

"Now what-"

"Now," he growled, putting out the flame that glowed in fist, sticking his hands back into his pockets. "Now we kill that demon who threatens to take my brother."


Trekking up the hill, we finally reached it. The Northwest Mansion. Well, it was Old Man McGuckit's now. But we figured it was the place where this Chara would be, along with the rest of the captives, mainly because it was huge and deserted, and unlike usual, it had an eerie glow to it. "Yup, I can feel it in my bones. This has to be it." Sans growled as he lead the way. I felt myself shaking as I approached the building, a strange darkness was radiating off of it. I was about to turn back when it was too late.

Sans creaked open the door.

It let out a loud moan of despair as it opened.


And then we were in.

I pulled my arms out of my sleeves, pulling the collar of my sweater to my nose. It was freaky cold. Like, it put goosebumps on my arms for more than one reason. As we crept through, I shivered at the quiet. The only sounds were our footsteps as they creaked across the floor. The hall seemed endless; we could've been walking for hours. The suspense was killing me. When we did reach the main corridor, Sans slow and steady turned into a speedy dash. "PAPYRUS!" He screamed, jumping into his brother's arms. "Don't ever run away from me again!" he murmured as he nuzzled into his collar bone.

Wait, where was his scarf? I digged deep in my bag to find the bright red scape, and paced forward to give it to the skeleton. Papyrus' scared expression lightened just a bit as he took it, wrapping it around his neck. Suddenly, a cackle a escaped his throat, not his usual 'NYEH HEH HEH' but one rhat I heard only one other time.


Sans backed away from his brother, as Papyrus' eyesockets glowed the same shade of red as his scarf, and he grabbed a flaming bone from out of nowhere. Flowey popped up from beside him, an evil grin on his face. "You IDIOTS," he cackled, giving Chara a chance to speak. "I knew this would bring you here. You like it? Because this will be the last place you'll ever lay eyes on."

"But why posses Papyrus? Wh-"

"Oh, you're completely right, Sans. Why have this skeleton, when I can posses an even stronger one." A spirit flew out of Papyrus, knocking him to the ground, and into Sans. I gulped as I took a few steps back. "Hey....

Where do you think you're going, kiddo?"

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